Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's been a long time coming!

Hi everyone!

It's been a while since we updated everybody on Dad and Mom's status. There are a few reasons for that, so please allow me to explain.

First, I kind of liked the way the blog's storyline had a beginning and ending; starting with Dad getting sick and then having a big finale just over one year later when he arrived at his new home. Second, Dad really loved getting phone calls and emails from everyone that he hadn't spoken with while he was laid up in all of the hospitals. So instead of everyone reading about him and Mom on the web, I wanted to indirectly motivate people to speak with him directly. Lastly, I had my own selfish reasons for not wanting to be "tied to this thing" (the blog) anymore. By that, I mean it was like the last reminder of Dad getting sick and the whole painful ordeal afterwards. It's a time that none of us will soon forget, especially Dad. But we also made it through to the other side with a happy ending; and every good story has to have a happy ending, which this one thankfully does. So I decided to cut the blog loose and not touch it again until the time was right; which seems to be now.

So here's the latest and greatest from the Hawkins Clan in Danville...

Dad and Mom are settling into "Danville life" quite nicely. After Dad's insurance ran out for his rehab (I thought you were fixing that Mr. Obama?), he joined a local gym for his workouts that he must continue on his own and unsupervised to get stronger. Dad has made a lot of progress on his own and with Mom's help, and is continuing to get stronger each day. I guess it's a good thing that he use to work out back in his early years, as he knows what it takes to get motivated each day and into the gym 3 times a week, which he does religiously. And the people at the gym have been really nice to Dad and Mom, helping him with suggestions on his routine. Dad is even driving again (a car, not a truck). While he'll never drive another semi-truck, he's just happy to regain that feeling of independence.

Mom is doing well and is recovering from her own recent health issues. She's getting use to driving in the city now and frequently tells me about her trips to run errands while Dad is working out. However, that will probably change now, as she just joined the gym as well. Pretty soon, I'd expect they will be outpacing me and April (hehe). Mom is enjoying her new house and loves the neighborhood they live in. The people are nice and they've already befriended a few neighbors. I just can't say how proud of them I am right now for being so brave.

Dad and Mom also love the fact that they are so close to their family now. Of course, I'm not talking about me, April or Dad's mother and sisters and their families. I mean, yeah...sure, they love being close to us/them too (LOL). No, I'm talking about them finally being close to their granddaughter Anna Leigh. Dad and Mom have loved being able to pick her up from school, take her to equestrian lessons, and having the occasional sleepover for the past year. In fact, Dad and Mom attended Anna Leigh's dance recital back in the spring; something that they didn't get to do last year with deep regret.

For the most part, Dad is back to being himself again. Playing Rook with family and friends has never felt so good! And while he might be a little off pace and his footing is still not as true as he'd like it to be, his whit, humor and joy that he brings to a room is still abundantly present. Looking back, Dad knows he's a lot more ahead of the game then he was a year ago, and that's somewhat of the theme he has latched onto and keeps him going. Dad is working hard to keep getting better each day. With Mom and the family by his side and God leading the way, there's no doubt in our minds that he'll continue to do so.

When I told my parents that I was going to update the blog, they told me to make sure I communicated once again to everyone how appreciative they are of your continued support. It means so much to them to receive a letter in the mail, email or phone call just to ask how they are doing or to hear how things are going for someone else. So please continue to contact them and stay in touch. We are conscious of the fact that many of you have your own trials and tribulations that you are dealing with right now. Please know that we are praying for you too, just like you did and continue to do for us. We will be there for you in any way that we can.

Well... I guess that's it for now. If you'd like to drop Dad and Mom or me and April a line, you can do so by emailing or calling us. We'd love to hear from you!

Take care and may God continue to watch over and bless all of you!



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

One-Year Home

Thought you all might like to see a picture of Jerry, Mary Sue, and Anna Leigh one year after his return home!