Monday, November 22, 2010


Hello everyone!

Well, our readership on the blog has probably grown a little by now, thanks to a newspaper article on Dad and Mom that ran in their hometown's newspaper. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a link to the article online yet. With all due respect to something called the "Possum Philosophy" writer, they're getting way too much online time with some of those articles. But I digress and welcome any and all who have started reading our blog about Jerry and Mary Sue Hawkins. Now, on with the update.

Dad has encountered a few complications this past week. He ran a fever for a few days and the doctors were worried about what it could be, as there was no obvious answers. After some "nudging", we finally talked Dad into being poked one more time by a needle in order to start receiving his medicine intravenously. They also gave him fluids to ensure he was hydrated enough. As of Sunday, Dad was feeling better and the fever had come down.

As for his therapy progress, Dad is still getting out of bed (when he's feeling good) and they are working to get him on what's called a "Trach Collar". Basically, it's something different that they connect to his trach and feeds him oxygen so he can breath on his own without the machine being there to breath for him. In other words, he's truly on his own. It's frightening to him, as Dad still has flashbacks of when he lost his ability to breath in Kansas. The ordeal really shook Dad's core, so he is understandably apprehensive about trying it. But we're trying to encourage him enough to be brave and strong so he can continue progressing towards his goal of being off the breathing machine all together.

Dad' nephew from Maryland came to visit this weekend. He's a big Harley fan and bought Dad a Harley sticker to put on the side of his wheelchair. Should make for an interesting conversation piece if nothing else.

Well, that's it for now. Dad and Mom wanted me to let all of you know that they are very thankful for your kind thoughts and prayers. They are thinking of you and wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Team Jerry all the Way!!!

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