Monday, December 6, 2010

Humor and Football helps him through it!

Hi everyone!

The past week was a challenge for Dad, as he continues his therapies for ventilation weaning and physical mobility. While the latter is still a "work-in-progress" as far as setting up a program schedule, the vent therapy is continuing to move forward. Each hour that he adds to being off the machine gets him that much closer to being off of it all together. Everyone is hopeful that Dad will be able to complete this feat by the end of the year, but there are no promises.

As with any GBS patients, there are peaks and valleys to the recovery process. While Dad did make some progress this past week, it was even more challenging due to his extenuating circumstances. Of course, just like when you or I work out (hehe... that's funny... the thought of me working out... anyway, I digress), Dad gets tired. His body is having to learn how to work on it's own again and just as one would think, the muscles that he has not used for the past 5 months are now getting a good workout each day. If you couple this issue with the fact that Dad's lungs seem to be in overdrive when it comes to being congested, well, you can just imagine at how tired he feels each day. But he keeps plugging along, because he wants to get out of that bed. I just keep telling him to do like those ol' guys from SNL, where he looks at his muscles and says, "I want to pump YOU UP"!

Lots of people have asked about Mom, and with all things considered, she is doing well. Of course, her stubbornness gets in the way sometimes when she doesn't listen to us about getting enough rest, but that's OK. As I've explained to her, when she's laying there in a bed next to Dad, I'll be able to say "I told you so" just like she use to do to me when I was a teenager. In all seriousness, Mom is really doing a great job with Dad and if it wasn't for her, there would be no recovery. She truly is the backbone of the operation there at the hospital. Along with the nurses and doctors, Mom is helping Dad back from the depths of this GBS hell that has trapped him since the end of June. Without her, I don't know what we'd do!!!

Also, people are starting to ask about Christmas gifts and what they can do to help. Well, as before, we are asking for donations to be mailed to the benefit account (PO Box 2364, Danville, VA 24541). Bills continue to mount and we are attempting to get things in line for some big moves in the near future. Chances are that Dad will be moved to a facility within the next couple of months that will handle his physical therapy once he is off the vent. This will mean that Mom will have to travel to see him, which means added travel expenses. Anything you can send, no matter how much, would be greatly appreciated.

Someone sent a lovely note the other day, talking about how they had read the news article on Dad and Mom; and while they didn't have much, they just wanted to send something. Others have sent cards saying they wish they could send something, but have nothing to give, so they are keeping Dad and Mom in their prayers instead. Please understand that no matter what you do, give money or send words of encouragement, it is your contact with Dad and Mom that matters most. It reminds them that while their predicament is difficult and the road ahead to recovery is long, the love that their friends and family share for them is greater than anything they'll ever know, and that is what will get them through this thing to the end.

On a personal note, Dad is back online with his Facebook account. To encourage his physical therapy recovery, we got him an early Christmas gift, which was a laptop from Walmart to use. It's just something simple that allows him to watch movies and get on the Internet, with the help of a special mouse that I found. So be sure to send him a message if you're on his friends list.

Last but not least, Dad is ecstatic about the fact that the Richlands Blue Tornadoes made it to the state championship game this Saturday after beating Brookville this past weekend. Unfortunately, he's not able to go to the championship game, but he will be able to hear it on his laptop. So everybody join Dad and root for the Blues this Saturday! Go Blues!!!

OK... that's it for now. Team Jerry all the way!!!

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