Saturday, May 14, 2011

I lost it!

Hey folks!

You may be a little perplexed by the post title, but that's on purpose. You see, I got a call today from Dad where he said, "I lost it"! Of course, I was trying to figure out what he was talking about at first, and then he told me. But I can't make it that simple for you. So I'll update you first on what all is going on with Dad, then I'll tell you. Don't cheat by skipping to the end! (hehe)

First, Dad had a procedure done on Wednesday to retrieve his kidney stones. The doctors wanted to get these out of his system to keep the bacteria from colonizing and releasing each time one of them moved. Over the past week and a half, they have found 3 different types of bacteria all within his blood, urine and central line IV. By removing the stones and following with a strong dose of antibiotics, the doctors hope to rid Dad's body of these bacterias once and for all. Only time will tell.

Second, Dad is still progressing with his physical therapy and is able to move around a lot more in his bed now. This is a byproduct of his nerves growing back and Dad's determination to get out of that "blankety-blank" bed (hehe). But he hopes to have more aggressive therapy soon so he can get back on his feet ASAP.

Last, the ENT doctor and respiratory therapists have worked with Dad the past 2 weeks while he's been in the hospital. Yesterday, they reduced the size of his trach and capped it, which meant that Dad was breathing on his own and through his mouth and nose. It felt kind of weird at first, being that it was the first time he was doing it all on his own and through his regular airways. Then this morning, the doctor came back and removed the trach all together. So when Dad called to say "I lost it", he was telling us that they had removed the trach and he was finally rid of it.

Of course, what makes this news even more special is that Mom and Dad are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary today. Dad said this was his gift to Mom, and of course she was just fine with that. All of us are elated by this news and can't wait to see him again to join in his celebration. What this means for all of us is that Dad might be moving back to Virginia real soon! But we won't know for a while, as the doctors want to keep him on the antibiotics for a week or so to knock out all the bacteria.

So be sure to go onto his Facebook page or send Dad an email to congratulate him. For me, I can't tell you how much it warms my heart to know that I almost have my Dad back home, and the girls are just as happy!

Take care everyone, and be sure to smile extra big after reading this post. Because of you and your continued support, Dad is almost back with us! For that, I am truly grateful!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

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