Sunday, July 3, 2011

Independence Day!

Hey Folks! We hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend! Just like last year, Mom and Dad are spending the 4th of July in a hospital facility. The good news... the circumstances are a lot different. This time last year, Dad was just starting his journey down the GBS road. He had no movement in his extremeties, except for his toes, and the doctors were talking about the eventuality of putting a trach in to help Dad breath. One year later, Dad is off the trach, and all the other machines, and is learning how to walk again. Oh that road… what a long and winding course you turned out to be. Luckily, Dad is at the point of really making some significant progress. The facility he is at is teaching him how to care for himself again and working to get his body stronger. Dad’s attitude is to get it done so he can go home ASAP. Of course, that means working through a lot of pain and getting through each day with some sense of accomplishment… not matter how small. To me, this just proves that Dad is the unique man I always thought he was, and he will forever inspire me to be and do better. The video on this post was shot just a week ago, and Dad has already made more improvements. We’re posting this video to show everyone that your prayers and continued support are paying off. Just remember Dad when you’re finding it hard to get through your day or when you are faced with a stack of problems that seem imsurmountable. That’s what I do, and then I think, “What the heck am I worried about? This is nothing!” Take care of yourselves and be sure to drop Dad and Mom a line when you get a chance. Thanks again for all that you do. Team Jerry all the way!!!

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