Sunday, February 13, 2011

New and Exciting Things are Happening!

Hey there, Ho there, How's it going there!

OK... so I'm a little too jovial today. But that's because of all the new and exciting things that happened this past week for Dad. So instead of me talking about what a proud son I am and how it warms my heart to know what I know, I'll just tell ya so you too can be too jovial.

Let's first travel back in time to the week prior to Dad's birthday. It was a trying week where things just didn't seem to be going anywhere fast. Dad and Mom was frustrated with the staff, and they were appearing to become frustrated with them. The facility's management was saying one thing, but the staff was doing another. Things just didn't seem to be headed in the right direction. But then, Monday came along and things started to change.

On that day, the head therapist came in and had a long talk with Mom and Dad to apologize for some of the confusion regarding Dad's treatments. In short, the whole mess was caused by a breakdown in communications, a common theme in just about every dysfunctional process out there. So he committed to making things and better, and boy did he keep his word.

Folks, as a choke back the tears, I am pleased to announce that Dad had his first "meal" in over 7 months. The meal of choice was pureed crab cakes and mash potatoes with sweet tea. Now, I'm not saying that he sat down and ate a plate full...we're only talking about small amounts. But hey... at this point, that's a full meal for him. He also had breakfast the next day, with oatmeal and scrambled eggs. So you might be thinking this is real exciting, and you'd be right. But I've got more.

As you know, the biggest concern is the progress, or lack thereof, of Dad's vent weaning. Well, I'm pleased to announce that Dad is making big headway in that department as well. On Tuesday, Dad tried the trach-collar that I've told you about in past posts. This is where they attach a tube that is just supplying oxygen to Dad's trach tube so he is getting pure oxygen when he breathes. The therapy is very tiring, because the patient has no mechanical support to help with the breathing. But it helps the patient to build their lung muscles so they can breath more on their own.

Like I said, on Tuesday started the therapy and was able to go for just over an hour with the machine. Then on Wednesday, Dad went just under 3 hours. Mostly, this is because his older... um, I mean more mature... oh, good grief... I mean his sister that came out before him (??) was there to help Mom distract Dad while he was on the trach-collar. Each day this week and weekend, Dad has continued to progress. As of this evening, Dad had gone 10 plus hours on the therapy and was going to do more after Mom left to go back to the hotel for the evening.

Folks, I can't tell you how proud I am of Dad, and I know you share in the excitement. I know that part of the reason he is doing do well is because of the love and encouragement he is receiving from family and friends. Your words of faith and love have really touched Dad's heart and made him realize that its time to "kick this pig" so-to-speak and get to work. While the doctors, nurses, family, and Mom all share ownership in Dad's therapy, please know that you do too and because of your continued support, Dad is getting better. So on behalf of Dad, THANK YOU!!!

OK... that's it for now. I'll update you more later. Take care of yourselves!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

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