Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Things Continue!

Hey folks!

Sorry for the extended gap between now and the last update. What can I say but there is just too much "life" going on right now, if you know what I mean. But enough about me, let's get to the man on every one's mind... no, not Brad Pitt... it's Dad, silly!

Monday, February 28th, will mark the 8-month anniversary of Dad contracting Guillian-Barre. In that time period, Dad will have gone from not being able to move at all or breath on his own to what you see in the pictures today. In case you are wondering what Dad is doing in the first picture, he is trying to feed himself the wonderful entree that the facility fixed for his lunch today, which was potatos au gratin, carrots and fried chicken, all pureed of course, with sweet tea to drink. In the other picture, Dad is sitting up on the side of the bed under his own power. He needed assistance to get to that position, but he's requiring a little less help to do it each day. Dad is able to swing his feet back and forth and lift them up just ever so slightly when sitting upright on the edge of the bed. He's also able to play a little game of volleyball with his hands and a balloon to help with his upper body physical therapy. This is all great news, as it's awesome to see Dad start progressing a little more each day.

Of course, no one believed that Dad would be doing this well back 8 months ago. All of the doctors had grim responses to our questions about Dad's prognosis and what kind of life he would have in the future. But it just goes to show you how prayer and hard work can upend those doubts and fears.

As of today, there is no doubt in every one's mind that Dad will be back to or close to 100% within the coming year or two. But it will take more prayers and lots of hard work to keep Dad headed in the right direction. So please be sure to continue to write Dad so we can make sure he stays on the right course. You really don't know how much your words of encouragement mean to him and how it keeps his spirits up.

For instance, Dad received lots of letters and cards a few weeks ago around the time of his birthday. All were positive in nature and help to lift Dad's spirit. But one in particular from a neighbor who had fallen on hard times herself not too long ago was especially inspiring to him. She too had something to literally take her life in a different direction, not at all fitting into her "plan" of how her golden years would be. But with God's help and that of her family, she was able to work through the tough times and come out on the other end of it better than she was before. Sure, some things had changed, but she was stronger for having experienced the hardship and was a better person for it now because she knew what it meant to be down on the bottom and how to get back on top again. Her story reminds me of another that I heard not too long ago.

A guy is walking down the street one day and falls into a deep hole. Finding no way to climb out, he starts to holler to the top, asking for help. A doctor walks by and the guy says, "Hey doc, can you help me get out of here?" The doctor takes out his prescription pad, writes a prescription for nerve pills, tears it off and throws it down to the man as he walks off. Another man walks by, this time its a priest and the man asks the him for help out of the hole. The priest kneels at the edge of the hole, says a prayer for God to give the man strength and courage. Then he gets up and keeps on walking. Finally, a friend of the guy walks by and the guy screams to him for help. The next thing he knows, his friend jumps down into the hole with him. In astonishment, the guy says to his friend, "What are you... crazy or something? Why on earth did you jump down here?" The friend looks at the guy with a smile and says, "Because I've been down here before and I know the way out".

Sometimes, those who you think would be the most helpful are not, and those who you think wouldn't be helpful come through for you in the end. When you least expect it, God will usually send you exactly who and what you need. My point is... for the past 8 months, God has sent all of you to Dad, and for that we are extremely thankful.

Well, that's all the news for now. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Dad wanted me to tell everyone that you are certainly in his and Mom's, and they can't thank all of you enough for your continued support.

Take care of yourselves and we'll update you again real soon.

Team Jerry all the Way!

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