Monday, September 27, 2010

Not a bad weekend!

Hi there!

In case you didn't get the hint from the title, Dad had a good weekend! On Friday, his problematic bed was replaced with a new therapeutic bed that also moves him around and helps with protecting the integrity of his skin. When you look at him, Dad looks like he's sitting in a lounge chair that you would expect to see in a Star Trek movie and he's preparing for take off (hehe). But the bed is working proper (so far... knock on wood), which is more than what I can say for the last bed.

Dad's not moving any new body parts, but he is trying. His level of frustration seems to be growing, but that's to be expected. I mean, the man hasn't been able to move much of anything for the past 90+ days. However, to have made it this far and this long, I think he's handled things beyond anything that I could ever deal with.

Everything considered, Dad's spirits are still good, even after our Dolphins lost their game to the Jets last night. Hopefully, those bad feelings will be all better again after the Blue Tornados beat the Bulldogs this weekend in our back home, high school rivalary game of the year. Dad always asks me two things when I go to visit him on the weekends... 1) Where's Anna Leigh and April, and 2) How did Richlands' football team do Friday night? So for Dad, let's all pull for the Blue Tornados this weekend.

OK... that's all for now. Take care and we'll post something again soon.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Keep a Goin'!

Hi Everyone!

Dad appears to be moving right along with the slow and steady progress. His sister, Liz, and mother, Mamaw, went to see him on Friday and reported that he looked a lot better than the last time they had seen him. As a matter of fact, Dad was giving Liz a hard time when she walked in his room door and announced, "I'm back!" She couldn't read his lips at first, but then she figured out that he was saying, "Finally!" Liz said of course Lil' Bro has to give his Big Sis a little grief.

Dad is moving a few more muscles here and there, and was able to turn his hand over the other day. Of course, this stuff comes and goes and then comes back again to stay. But the main point is that new things continue to happen and we've had no set backs (knock on wood).

Just so you know... I haven't mentioned the visitors that Dad has been receiving because I wasn't sure who felt comfortable having their names and/or business on the blog. Everyone has been so gracious and loving, that I was afraid of offending someone or putting them in a bad spot. But someone mentioned it again, so I'm setting up some ground rules. If you would don't mind us posting your visit with Dad to the blog, send us an email and just tell us about your visit with him. This will also give voice to others about Dad instead of everyone just reading what April and I have to say. Also, don't forget that there is a section on this blog that allows you to comment on each of our posts. So don't be afraid to chime in when you want.

To recap some recent visitors, Dad has had numerous cousins to visit him from out of town since he returned to Virginia. Some of them visited him in Roanoke when he was there, and others came by a couple of weeks ago, both of which really cheered Dad and Mom up each time. Last week, his cousins gave Dad a big card that was signed by what I believe is some, if not all, of his cousins. From what I heard, the card had done a lot of traveling just to get signed, not to mention getting sent to Kansas and back. If anyone would like to send me the whole story or post a comment about it, I would love to hear it.

Also, when Dad was first moved to Lynchburg, his nephew, David, came with his wife, Julie, mother, Jeanne (sp?) and stepfather, David, to visit Dad. Now, if anyone knows David (nephew), they know he has a lot of talent for singing and playing the guitar. Although I wasn't lucky enough to be there to hear and see it, I understand that David serenaded Dad with a few blue grass and country tunes. I know it tickled both Dad and Mom, not to mention it probably helped uplift some spirits for a few of the patients in nearby rooms.

Of course, Dad continues to be a popular patient and receive cards on almost a daily basis. They are mostly from family and close friends, with a few long distance get wells every now and again. Be sure to drop him a line when you can by either email on the hospital's webiste or regular mail to let him know that you are thinking of him. He is at Virginia Baptist Hospital, and there website is:

OK... that's it for now. We'll update you again real soon. I'm going to put our email address at the end of the post so that everyone has access to send us their stories of visiting Dad. Even if you don't get to visit Dad and would like to share a funny story about Dad rather than posting it as a comment on this blog, send it to us and we'll make sure it gets posted.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Todd & April's email:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moving Right Along

Hey Folks!

Sorry that we haven’t updated the blog that much in the past week, but there’s been a lot going on. So here is the update that everyone has been waiting on…

Dad is still improving and has had no setbacks (Yippie!!!). He is able to open his eyes and slightly move his head to nod yes and no. They are continuing to work on his speech therapy, which helps him to mouth words to let us know what he needs. Of course, we are becoming quick learners of how to read lips. Most days, Dad asks for a lot of leg rubs and exercises. We are hoping that his physical therapy will start to intensify, as they are only getting him out of bed once a day for 2 hours as of now. So we anticipate this part of Dad’s therapy to become more intense in the weeks to come.

Mom is doing well, but she is really tired. She is staying with Dad at the hospital at his request around the clock because of some “issues” that he had with some of the hospital personnel. I won’t get into the details, but there were occurrences in the past weeks where the staff could have been a little more attentive and compassionate than what they were. Needless to say, we are addressing the issue with the Unit Manager and are confident the problems will be resolved. Mostly, though, Mom would like to go back home for a little while just to be in her own house and bed for just a little while to recharge her batteries. Even though she can’t take Dad home with her, I think it’s important for Mom to sleep in her own bed and take a shower in her bathroom. Anyone who has been away from home for an extended period of time knows how good it feels just to walk through your own doorway again.

Some people have asked about Dad’s business, and to put it simply… it is no more. I’m in the process of winding it down and selling everything that remains. With that in mind, if anyone knows of someone who is interested in buying a box trailer (48 foot with good tires), please tell them to get in contact with me, as I’d like to move it quickly. This is the last remaining item from Dad’s business and we need to sell it to pay some of the business’ remaining bills. The truck is gone, as we surrendered it to the manufacturer a few weeks ago.

Also, I want to say “thank you” to everyone who has donated money since we started the benefit account for Dad and Mom. While the bills continue to grow, the contributions you have sent really help to keep things from getting out of hand. For instance, Mom’s medicine bill came the other day and even though she has coverage, the bill was still over $700. It will take a good chunk out of the benefit account to cover it, but at least we can do so and that’s only because of your kindness and generosity. If I could, I would personally hug and thank everyone one of you. But since that’s not logistically possible, just put your hands in the air and we’ll do “air-hugs” (hehe).

OK… that’s it for now. Take care and keep those cards coming for Dad. Now that his eyes are open, Dad loves to read them and look at the funny pictures. Someone sent a “singing” card the other day and it really made him smile. So keep it going, because it’s really helping to remind Dad that people care about him and want him to get better.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Good week!

Hello Everyone!

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, wherever you might be.

Dad seems to be doing well and continues to get a little stronger each day. As you know, he was finally able to fully open his eyes last week for the first time. I went up to visit with Dad and Mom on Thursday night to watch the first NFL game of the season. It was great and Dad really enjoyed finally being able to watch something instead of just listening to it. Of course, Mom is just tickled to be able to see those big brown eyes again.

As for Dad's progress, it's as slow as a snail, but at least its in the right direction. The doctors tried working on his ventilator therapy last week, but were concerned about what they were seeing with his levels and such. So they delayed further therapy until this week and will continue this pattern until Dad is able to tolerate the treatments.

Dad's physical therapy is going somewhat well. They are getting him out of bed and sitting him up in a special chair for a couple of hours each day. Even though it is uncomfortable for him to sit in this position, Dad has to do it. This therapy helps his body to get use to moving around again, while also giving his backside a much needed rest after laying on it so much for the past few months. Hopefully, his physical therapy will intensify somewhat this week and they will start exercising him more, which he really likes to do.

Finally, the speech therapy is also coming along well. Carla, his speech therapist, who is also from Richlands, is really doing a good job with him. As a matter of fact, Carla thinks Dad will be able to take his first swallow very soon, which would be another big milestone. He is moving his lips and tongue very well now, so we are communicating a bit better with him.

The movement in Dad's hands and feet are still somewhat limited, but this is to be expected. Just like everything else, this too shall take time, patience, and effort. So we just need to keep encouraging Dad to keep at it!

Speaking of which... Dad is now the most popular patient in the hospital. The staff is just amazed by all the cards and the emails that he receives from all of you. But more importantly, it motivates Dad and keeps him and Mom in high spirits. We are so blessed to have all of you in our lives. So keep those emails and cards coming!

OK... that's it for now. We'll update you again as things progress.

Team Jerry all the way!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Turn Your Lights On!

Hey Folks!

Just a quick update... Dad's eyes are FULLY OPEN! It just happended this morning, Day 73. Not only that, but he's moving his neck too!

I'm in the process of getting an update from Mom, but just wanted everyone to know.

Keep those prayers a comin'!

Team Jerry all the way!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bumpy Road

Hey Gang!

I went to visit Dad Friday night and I can report that he's doing fairly well, all things considered. Except for a few minor issues with some of Dad's therapies, or lack thereof, Mom and I are pleased with the overall care he is receiving; they've just got to work out kinks. Dad is really motivated right now and wants to get things rolling with the therapy treatments. He's constantly asking to be moved and stretched, which is a good sign.

Mom said that he almost swallowed the other day during his speech therapy treatment, which means that he's getting closer to being able to drink something. We've talked with some the medical staff today and plan to talk more on Monday about "upping" Dad's therapy treatments and getting him off the vent ASAP. It seems the more you work with him, the more he responds and progresses. When they do little to no therapy, like the past few days, then he regresses, like he's done for the past few days. But we're on top of it and Mom is trying to fill-in the gaps when she can.

Thanks again for all the warm wishes and cards. According to the hospital staff, Dad is one of the most popular patients there. So keep those cards and emails going to him. In case you don't know, you can use the PO Box for the Benefit account to send cards, or send them to the the hospital. You can also send emails; but if you do, make sure the content is universally friendly. In other words, if you send jokes, make sure they're not racy (hehe). If you have doubts about what you're sending, just send it to me instead and I'll make sure Dad gets it.

OK... that's all for now. Take care!

Team Jerry all the way!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Things are Looking Up!

Hi Everyone!

Dad has done well so far this week. The obstruction is still in place, but there has been no complications from resuming the feeding. The doctors explained that the mixture they are giving Dad is so thin, that the body is probably absorbing it soon after it enters the body. The main thing to tout is that Dad is able to get the nutrients he needs to get stronger, and he'll need all the strength he can muster in the coming months.

The weight loss that Dad was seeking before all this happened has taken place over the past couple of months. He had lost a lot of weight, and then it slowed down when they first started the feedings. But then each time they have had to stop the feedings, Dad starts losing weight again. Fortunately, we have seen it slow down since they resumed the feeding this week. Again, this is to be expected with GBS and/or anyone in this type of condition, so we're not that worried. On the plus side, Dad will be a lean, mean, fightin' machine when he recovers.

Another thing to tout is that Dad has not contracted any infections this week. As most know, someone in this state is more susceptible to infection just because of all the different tubes going in and out of the body. So we're crossing our fingers that the rest of the week will play out the same.

Dad's eyes are still moving and he can raise his eyelids just ever so slightly. He's not able to keep them open for long, but that's OK. The point is... he's doing it. Plus, we're not sure if this is because of the light hurting his eyes or the fact that he's still not strong enough to make it happen. But in either case, Mom is working with him each day, along with the various therapists, to keep him motivated and working on every little thing they can to get him back on his feet.

OK... that's it for now. Take care and enjoy your holiday weekend!

Team Jerry all the way!!!