Thursday, September 2, 2010

Things are Looking Up!

Hi Everyone!

Dad has done well so far this week. The obstruction is still in place, but there has been no complications from resuming the feeding. The doctors explained that the mixture they are giving Dad is so thin, that the body is probably absorbing it soon after it enters the body. The main thing to tout is that Dad is able to get the nutrients he needs to get stronger, and he'll need all the strength he can muster in the coming months.

The weight loss that Dad was seeking before all this happened has taken place over the past couple of months. He had lost a lot of weight, and then it slowed down when they first started the feedings. But then each time they have had to stop the feedings, Dad starts losing weight again. Fortunately, we have seen it slow down since they resumed the feeding this week. Again, this is to be expected with GBS and/or anyone in this type of condition, so we're not that worried. On the plus side, Dad will be a lean, mean, fightin' machine when he recovers.

Another thing to tout is that Dad has not contracted any infections this week. As most know, someone in this state is more susceptible to infection just because of all the different tubes going in and out of the body. So we're crossing our fingers that the rest of the week will play out the same.

Dad's eyes are still moving and he can raise his eyelids just ever so slightly. He's not able to keep them open for long, but that's OK. The point is... he's doing it. Plus, we're not sure if this is because of the light hurting his eyes or the fact that he's still not strong enough to make it happen. But in either case, Mom is working with him each day, along with the various therapists, to keep him motivated and working on every little thing they can to get him back on his feet.

OK... that's it for now. Take care and enjoy your holiday weekend!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

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