Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moving Right Along

Hey Folks!

Sorry that we haven’t updated the blog that much in the past week, but there’s been a lot going on. So here is the update that everyone has been waiting on…

Dad is still improving and has had no setbacks (Yippie!!!). He is able to open his eyes and slightly move his head to nod yes and no. They are continuing to work on his speech therapy, which helps him to mouth words to let us know what he needs. Of course, we are becoming quick learners of how to read lips. Most days, Dad asks for a lot of leg rubs and exercises. We are hoping that his physical therapy will start to intensify, as they are only getting him out of bed once a day for 2 hours as of now. So we anticipate this part of Dad’s therapy to become more intense in the weeks to come.

Mom is doing well, but she is really tired. She is staying with Dad at the hospital at his request around the clock because of some “issues” that he had with some of the hospital personnel. I won’t get into the details, but there were occurrences in the past weeks where the staff could have been a little more attentive and compassionate than what they were. Needless to say, we are addressing the issue with the Unit Manager and are confident the problems will be resolved. Mostly, though, Mom would like to go back home for a little while just to be in her own house and bed for just a little while to recharge her batteries. Even though she can’t take Dad home with her, I think it’s important for Mom to sleep in her own bed and take a shower in her bathroom. Anyone who has been away from home for an extended period of time knows how good it feels just to walk through your own doorway again.

Some people have asked about Dad’s business, and to put it simply… it is no more. I’m in the process of winding it down and selling everything that remains. With that in mind, if anyone knows of someone who is interested in buying a box trailer (48 foot with good tires), please tell them to get in contact with me, as I’d like to move it quickly. This is the last remaining item from Dad’s business and we need to sell it to pay some of the business’ remaining bills. The truck is gone, as we surrendered it to the manufacturer a few weeks ago.

Also, I want to say “thank you” to everyone who has donated money since we started the benefit account for Dad and Mom. While the bills continue to grow, the contributions you have sent really help to keep things from getting out of hand. For instance, Mom’s medicine bill came the other day and even though she has coverage, the bill was still over $700. It will take a good chunk out of the benefit account to cover it, but at least we can do so and that’s only because of your kindness and generosity. If I could, I would personally hug and thank everyone one of you. But since that’s not logistically possible, just put your hands in the air and we’ll do “air-hugs” (hehe).

OK… that’s it for now. Take care and keep those cards coming for Dad. Now that his eyes are open, Dad loves to read them and look at the funny pictures. Someone sent a “singing” card the other day and it really made him smile. So keep it going, because it’s really helping to remind Dad that people care about him and want him to get better.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

1 comment:

  1. All of your friends at Lewis-Gale are thinking of you!
