Monday, September 13, 2010

Good week!

Hello Everyone!

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, wherever you might be.

Dad seems to be doing well and continues to get a little stronger each day. As you know, he was finally able to fully open his eyes last week for the first time. I went up to visit with Dad and Mom on Thursday night to watch the first NFL game of the season. It was great and Dad really enjoyed finally being able to watch something instead of just listening to it. Of course, Mom is just tickled to be able to see those big brown eyes again.

As for Dad's progress, it's as slow as a snail, but at least its in the right direction. The doctors tried working on his ventilator therapy last week, but were concerned about what they were seeing with his levels and such. So they delayed further therapy until this week and will continue this pattern until Dad is able to tolerate the treatments.

Dad's physical therapy is going somewhat well. They are getting him out of bed and sitting him up in a special chair for a couple of hours each day. Even though it is uncomfortable for him to sit in this position, Dad has to do it. This therapy helps his body to get use to moving around again, while also giving his backside a much needed rest after laying on it so much for the past few months. Hopefully, his physical therapy will intensify somewhat this week and they will start exercising him more, which he really likes to do.

Finally, the speech therapy is also coming along well. Carla, his speech therapist, who is also from Richlands, is really doing a good job with him. As a matter of fact, Carla thinks Dad will be able to take his first swallow very soon, which would be another big milestone. He is moving his lips and tongue very well now, so we are communicating a bit better with him.

The movement in Dad's hands and feet are still somewhat limited, but this is to be expected. Just like everything else, this too shall take time, patience, and effort. So we just need to keep encouraging Dad to keep at it!

Speaking of which... Dad is now the most popular patient in the hospital. The staff is just amazed by all the cards and the emails that he receives from all of you. But more importantly, it motivates Dad and keeps him and Mom in high spirits. We are so blessed to have all of you in our lives. So keep those emails and cards coming!

OK... that's it for now. We'll update you again as things progress.

Team Jerry all the way!

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