Monday, October 18, 2010

Call your Senators and Congressmen!!!

Hey everybody!

A lot has happened over the past week, which is one of the reasons why I haven't updated the blog. We're busy trying to keep the insurance company from shipping Dad to a nursing home for his extended care. I'll get more into that and how you can possibly help in a minute, but let's get to what's most important first.

The latest with Dad's health is good. He is moving more in his extremities, even going so far as to lift one of his knees ever so slightly off the bed today. The ventilator treatment, or what treatment he has received, is working and he's responding well. Dad had a little GI tract issue and bloating late last week, but was able to overcome it once Mom convinced the doctors to back down his feeding amount to allow his system time to "catch up". Our hope is that he continues to improve and they can work with him more on his treatments. Now for how you can help!

We received word late last week that we had a week to find Dad a new facility to go to for his extended treatment. It seems the insurance company, who I am not yet naming for the sake of hoping they do the right thing, has decided that Dad no longer requires the type of care that he is receiving. Therefore, he needs to be transported to a facility that is more "equipped" to handle Dad's case. Who knew that a LTAC (Long Term Acute Care) facility wouldn't be able to handle Dad's care (in case you didn't recognize it, that's my pathetic attempt at sarcasm). So they want Dad to be placed in a nursing home that is able to handle ventilation weaning and care. One problem, there are only 4 in the state of VA. 2 in Alexandria, 1 in Fincastle, and 1 in Duffield. If you look up any of these locations on a map, you'll see that they are nowhere near Dad's family. Not to mention, the level of care is sorely insufficient for Dad's long term care, as they don't provide the attentiveness and/or opportunities for therapy that an LTAC does.

The good thing is that everyone we have talked with so far agrees, except for the insurance company. So we have started a campaign to keep Dad where he is now, enlisting the help of the GBS Foundation, the Bureau of Insurance, and Senator Mark Warner. Tomorrow, we are calling additional politicians to help in this endeavor with the hopes that the more light we shine on the problem will help lead the insurance company to the right decision. Now, I know all of you, the loving, caring family and friends that you are, are asking yourselves, "How can I help Jerry Dale"? Well....

We need everyone we can to call Senator Warner's office and/or your local congressman, both state and federal, and ask them to intervene on Dad's behalf with the insurance company. Now, if you call a federal politician, they'll more than likely use the line that it's a "State matter" and they have no influence over it. If that is the case, be sure to remind them, as I did Mr. Warner's staff today, that it became a federal matter when he voted "YES" for the Healthcare Reform Bill the President Obama and other Democrats passed earlier. This is the type of help we need and if they were for reform then, they need to show it and help us now. If you don't want to give the particulars of what's going on, or if they ask for more than you know, please give them my name and phone number and ask them to call me. I can be reached at work between 8:30 and 5:30 each weekday at 434-791-6314 (direct line). My cell is 434-203-1240.

OK... that's it for now. I hope we're able to get this matter resolved for Dad soon. According to the insurance company, his coverage for the hospital that he is in now ends on 10/20 (Wednesday).

Good luck everyone, and remember... Team Jerry all the way!

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