Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday's Visit

Hi Everyone!
It's April updating today. We went to visit Jerry yesterday. He was in decent spirits. He's a bit restless in my opinion. He really wants to get better, but the only true cure now is time. He hasn't been sleeping much at night because of leg cramps. However, the doctor (whom I adored) said that his nerves are regrowing and reattaching and the cramping is a sign of this. I finally expressed my frustration to the doctor over the whole insurance situation. Very kindly and calmly he explained they lose this battle over and over again with insurance companies. Again, I was very frustrated and irritated but at least we have healthcare. I know- I'm always looking for the sunshine in everything! If you know me at all, you know this to be true! The doctor gave us encouraging news concering Jerry. Dr. Johnson had not seen him in quite some time. Dr. Johnson told us Jerry was a different man than when he arrived 2 months ago. He was pleased and just told us to give it time. Jerry is still on 11 BPMs (breaths per minute) on the vent. When asked why he was not being weaned quicker, the doctor said quick is bad. Slow is good- so we will take that explaination! Anna Leigh had fun talking to her Papa. Jerry still has not lost his sense of humor. When Todd was exercising his arms, he lifted Jerry's arm up. It was right next to Todd's head. I told Jerry to reach over and smack Todd's head- and he did! Of course we all had to laugh! Something so silly and minor was quite an accomplishment. Now that Jerry's facial muscles continue to improve, he is much easier to understand. For that- we are very grateful!

Thanks to all the cousins that recently came by! We are so grateful for the companionship and entertainment you provide to Jerry. A cousin brought up the radio broadcast of the Richlands/Tazewell football game.

Jerry is so blessed to have everyone thinking of him. Keep the cards coming. Anna Leigh loves to read them to him!

Team Jerry ALL THE WAY!!

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