Monday, October 25, 2010

Some New Things

Hey folks!

Well, things are looking up for Dad. He was able to do some new things this past week, like turning his feet into each other (touching big toes), and he's beginning to be able to pull his arm in a downward motion. These are all little things in comparison to what he did on Saturday.

They couldn't say with absolute certainty, but it appeared to the nurse and Mom that Dad took a breath on his own. The machine Dad is on is set to give him so many breaths per minute. When they were looking at the machine, the setting went up by 1 breath on its own, which is an indication (typically) that a patient took a breath on his own. So we're hopeful that there is more good news to come soon in this area of Dad's recovery!

The insurance company is supposed to review Dad's case each week to determine if he needs to be moved. Dad had a neurological consult this week and the doctor said Dad is right where he ought to be, which backs what we've been telling the insurance company since last week. The hospital staff and Mom worked with Dad all week long to get him to a point that the insurance company would recognize as an improvement. However, we're realistic and know they will challenge anything we put before them just to get him in a cheaper facility. Of course, we're more worried about the type of care Dad gets, not the cost of it. You know... the way it should be. Being Dad's son, this is the part where he would want me to remind everyone that this is something that "Obamacare" did not fix. Nevertheless, we will not be deterred and will continue to challenge them on everything that we and the medical staff deem as "detrimental" to Dad's recovery.

Please continue to send cards and well-wishing emails to Dad. His mental state is becoming more fragile as this ordeal continues each day. I don't mean that he's going stir crazy, but he's starting to feel like a burden on everyone. Folks, for those of you who know my Dad, you know that he is use to doing a lot on his own. This disease has rendered him helpless and totally dependent on the kindness of others. For any of us, this would be a big pill to swallow, but I think more so for Dad.

Jerry Dale has always been use to playing the part of "protector and provider". Mom and I, for the most part, never had to want for anything we needed. But for the past few years, like most of us, Mom and Dad have not had it easy. This fact, when coupled with everything that is going on now, is a lot for any man, or woman, to take. It is this combination of "body blows" (no pun intended) that is breaking down Dad's mental toughness. So, we need to continue to encourage him and send him thoughts of love and care. If you can't send a card, then send an email via the hospital's website to let him know that you are thinking of him and Mom. Here is the link for the hospital ( and Dad's room number is CRCR #5.

As far as visitors go, Dad saw one of his cousins this week who came to visit from North Carolina. His sisters and their families also came to visit throughout the week. If you're up to it, I know he'd love to see anyone that might be traveling in the Lynchburg area. Even if you wanted to make a day-trip of it, the area is nice and it has some really good restaurants too.

OK... I'll update you again once we have more to post. Thanks again for everything that you're doing for Mom and Dad.

Thanks everyone! Team Jerry all the way!!!

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