Monday, April 11, 2011

Get those Prayers going!

Hey folks!

I have a lot to tell you about Dad and a short time to type it in, so here goes:

Dad is still at Rex Hospital in Raleigh. This is where they sent him for his infection. He is out of ICU and they have stopped the antibiotics that they were giving Dad to kill the bacteria in his blood and urine. This is all good news and we are very thankful for it.

On the flip side, Dad has developed issues with his kidneys. The doctors don't know for sure, but it appears that Dad's kidneys may have been adversely affected by the medicine that they had to give him. So they are calling in a kidney specialist to look at Dad and his case to determine the cause of the kidney issues.

Dad is also not able to breath on his own anymore. While Dad is still stronger than he use to be before starting the ventilator therapy, he is experiencing enough problems with his breathing for the doctors to err on the side of caution and keep him on the ventilator. Of course, you're probably saying the same thing we are... oh great, here we go again. But we are reminding Dad that he overcame this issue before and he can do it again.

That's it for now. Please pass the word along to anyone you know to put Dad on a prayer list and get those prayer chains going. Dad is truly facing an uphill battle over the next few days/weeks. All we can do is what we've been doing, which is hope and pray for the best and just put it in God's hands.

If you'd like to send Dad a message of encouragement or a Get Well card, feel free to mail it to him at PO Box 2364, Danville, VA, 24541. Or you can email him at

Team Jerry all the way!!!

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