Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Out of Recovery & Back in his Room

Hey everyone!

Dad had his procedure done this morning and everything appears to be OK. The doctor put a shunt in to allow the kidney stone to pass through when it comes out of his kidney. There were no major concerns with what he found in Dad's kidney or bladder, but the doctor took samples of a few areas and are sending it off to be tested just to be sure. We will hopefully know by Thursday how well the shunt is working, as well as the test results to see if there is anything else that needs to be addressed.

For right now, Dad is back in his room and is resting comfortably. Mom is spending the night with him, which brightened up Dad's eyes when he found out. She also took his laptop down so he could work his Farmville. In addition, this means you can email him and send your well wishes.

I'll let you know more as it comes in. Thanks again for all your prayers. Let's pray that all the test come back normal and he passes the kidney stone soon.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

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