Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Update on Kidneys!

Hey folks! Just a quick update on the latest info with Dad.

The Urologist did a sonogram today on Dad's kidneys to see how they are functioning. He found a rather large stone in the tube exiting the right kidney that may or may not account for the elevated creatinine in Dad's blood. As Mom explained to me, elevated creatinine means the kidney is not able to operate correctly for some reason. In this case, it may be due to the stone partially blocking the tube coming out of the kidney. This is good news, as it would indicate that the medicine Dad had to take for the infection may not have hurt his kidneys after all.

There is a procedure schedule for Wednesday morning at 10am, where the doctor plans to go in and get the stone. I won't go into details about the procedure, as it hurts me to just think about it. But needless to say, Dad will need a little anesthetic (I'd need a lot), as the procedure is not that invasive. If everything works out, this may help the cretinine levels to normalize. Mom plans to be there for the procedure.

Please keep Dad and Mom in your prayers tonight and tomorrow, and pray that this procedure will fix the problem with Dad's kidneys. We'll try to update you as we hear more about how Dad did during the procedure and if this fixes the problem.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

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