Monday, August 30, 2010

A little bit of Light at the end of the Tunnel

Sorry for the lack of updates, folks, but a lot has been going on since Thursday. So put on your reading glasses, because we'll be here for a while (LOL).

As you can see from Saturday night’s post, we took Anna Leigh to see her Papa for the first time on Saturday. When we got there, Anna Leigh was a little nervous and wasn’t quite sure what to do. But with her Gammi’s help, Anna Leigh eventually grew comfortable with the situation. By the end of the visit, the sweet granddaughter Dad once knew had turned into his personal trainer/drill sergeant (hehe). Anna Leigh had him exercising and doing all of his “tricks” for a good part of the visit. In fact, she worked her Papa so hard, that he had to take 2 mini-naps during our visit just to recover. But overall, it was a great day, as it seemed to really brighten Dad’s day and we believe Anna Leigh’s visit was the motivating factor in what happened on Sunday.

Sometime during Sunday afternoon, Mom noticed that Dad was trying to open his eyes. The muscles in his face have become more active over the past couple of weeks, but not enough to where he could open his eyes. That was until yesterday when Dad was finally able to open his eyes just enough to see the people in the room. It was a great moment and one that seemed to reinvigorate everyone’s outlook on Dad’s recovery prognosis.

There’s nothing new on the blockage, other than the medical staff is still working to get obstruction moved out of the way. They have restarted the feeding, but at a much slower pace. Dad is receiving nutrients through a TPN, which is an IV feeding, until things return to normal. So be sure to say a little prayer that things “Get Movin'” again real soon.

Mom is in Danville for the next couple of days, trying to recuperate from her stay at the hospital with Dad for the past week. She has stayed with Dad to help translate for the nurses and work with him on his exercises when the therapists aren’t there. It also seems to help motivate Dad and keep him calm. Understandably, I think Dad feels safer and less stressed when Mom is there with him. But all of this takes a lot out of her, as Mom has her own health concerns to deal with. Thankfully, Mom’s “Favorite Son” (a.k.a. Me) is reminding her daily to take her medicines and get a little more rest when she can.

OK… that’s it for now. Please keep Dad and Mom in your prayers, and continue to send the cards and well wishes too. We took the last batch of cards up to the hospital on Saturday and read them to Dad. The funny ones made Dad smile, but all of the cards touched his heart. And for that, we want to say “Thank you!”

We are truly blessed to have such good friends and family. Until next time, take care of yourselves and your loved ones.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Road Work Ahead

When Dad was out on the road, he used to gripe about all the road work that he would encounter from time-to-time that would always delay his getting to somewhere on time. It’s kind of ironic how it must be to him to run into another road block again that is impeding his progress.

For the past couple of days, Dad has experienced bloating and other indescribable issues going on with his feeding tube and intestines. But suffice it to say, things were at a standstill. Finally, the doctors were able to determine yesterday that he as a small obstruction within his intestines that is constricting the flow of material. So they have started removing the feeding tube material from his stomach and restarted the IV feeding until the obstruction is gone.

The good news is that it is not likely to require surgery in order to fix the problem, but that may still be a possibility if things don't get to moving again and soon. The doctors are not sure what caused the obstruction to form, but this is something to be expected with someone in Dad's condition. Mom is staying with Dad and trying to make him has comfortable as possible until the dam breaks again. Truly, this falls under the GBS way of thinking... 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. So while are concerned, we are not worried at this point.

Dad is moving a little more of his facial muscles each day. It's the slight improvements that we will have to cling to from here on out, as confirmed by a neuro-specialist from Roanoke who came to observe Dad yesterday and was very intrigued by his condition. He was also very positive about the prospects of his overall healing process, but made sure that Mom and everyone else knew that Dad's road to full recovery will be very long. His best guess is that about 80% of Dad's nerves are, for the lack of a better description, dead as a byproduct of the GBS effects. However, these nerves are likely to grow back at the rate of about one millimeter per day; hence, the expectation for a long recovery time. So everyone will need to get use to idea of Dad being in the hospital, as that will likely be his home for a long while.

OK... that's it for now. As always, thank you for your continued prayers and support. We are making sure to read all of the get well cards to Dad as they come in. Even if you can't make a donation, please be sure to send a Get Well card just to let him know that you're thinking of him. Your card can be sent to the PO Box we set up for his benefit account. In case you don't remember, its:

P.O. Box 2364
Danville, VA 24541

May God bless and keep all of you!

Team Jerry all the way!!! his progress

Monday, August 23, 2010

Good Weekend

Hey folks!

Dad rested well over the weekend without any major issues. About the biggest problem that he encountered was no one being able to find the channel that the Nascar race was on Saturday night. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful.

The various therapists will start working with Dad today on getting him off the vent, keeping his legs and arms limber, and continue his speech exercises. Mom said that Dad was moving the muscles around his eyes a lot more on Sunday, so we're hopeful this area will be the next breakthrough for him. One of our good friends who had GBS opened his eyes on day 57, and we're fast approaching that milestone for Dad's condition.

Mamaw, Dad's mom, went to see him for the first time on Sunday. It wasn't that she didn't want to see him or he didn't want to see her before now. We decided (and by we, I mean me) that we wanted to get him in better shape before we took his 90 year-old mother to see him. If anyone has ever had a family member in the hospital with a similar condition like Dad’s, then you know what I'm talking about. People see it in the movies or in pictures and think it’s no big deal. But until it's someone that you love in that bed, hooked up to a multitude of machines keeping them alive and looking almost lifeless, no one can describe to you the overwhelming mountain of emotions that explode within you at first sight of see them. The best way I can describe it is that it’s like your heart is constantly tearing apart the entire time you're in the room. It’s a crushing sensation that I wish on no one and that few people can/have handle. But Mamaw, being the 90 year-old superwoman that she is, did great with the experience and is excited about the prospects of Dad getting better soon.

OK… that’s it for now. Take care and we’ll update you soon!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

All's Well... for now!

Hi folks!

Dad is resting well in his new hospital room at VA Baptist in Lynchburg. Mom and I have just been very impressed with how knowledgeable the staff appears to be with GBS. In fact, there are two other GBS patients on the floor with Dad. Their cases are not the same as Dad's but you can see the same devastating toll it has taken on the patients and their families. That seems to be a common theme amongst GBS patients.

Mom came back home with me for the weekend and will go back up to the hospital on Sunday. The staff has found her a room to stay in for the nights that she wants to be there, so she can work with Dad and keep him motivated. So far, all of the staff is very nice and concerned with Dad and his family, and there's even some staff that are from Southwest VA, including one direct from Richlands. She is Dad's Speech Therapist and shows genuine concern and enthusiasm for getting Dad back on his feet.

Dad his working on learning how to swallow again and how to form words with his mouth. He spoke some more on Friday and it was less gargled. Of course, this takes a lot out of him and we don't want to stress his body out. But even after the nurses and therapists leave the room, you can see him over there in bed working on the exercises they taught him. I guess that workout ethic that he used to have when he was weightlifting is starting to kick in again (hehe). Also, I think he wants to open his eyes so he can see his little granddaughter. When he's getting tired or frustrated, all we have to do his say her name and he gets refocused on what he's doing real quick.

Well, that's all for now. We'll keep you posted as things develop. Thanks again for all your support. Someone asked me to post it again, so here is the address for Dad's Benefit Acccount:

P.O. Box 2364
Danville, VA 24541

Take care of yourselves!

Team Jerry all the way!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Digs

Hi Everyone!

Dad made the transfer to Virginia Baptist Hospital in Lynchburg, VA today to start work on his rehabilitation. The wing where he is located is great. The staff seems to be very knowledgeable about GBS, so there was not much that we had to do in the way of "re-teaching" his nurses on how to handle him.

Mom is staying at the hospital tonight, as they have hospitality rooms for family to spend the night when needed. Of course, they are on a first come basis, so we were lucky enough to get one for her tonight.

No new moves since yesterday, but he was really tired from the transfer. We'll continue to keep you up-to-day on what's happening as things progress. Thanks again for all the support!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Something's Happening Here

On June 28, Todd spoke with his dad, not knowing this would be the last time he was able to speak. This was my mother's birthday. Today, my father celebrated 60 years. 51 days between these two birthdays. Today, early in the afternoon, my father-in-law, our precious Jerry, our beloved Papa, spoke!!!! His first words? Anna Leigh.

We thank God for this miracle. Especially since these were not the only things he said today. He asked for Todd, Mary Sue, and me. He also asked for his trach to be suctioned out and being the Southern gentleman he is, thanked the nurses everytime they did something for him. Jerry still has his trach, but he is able to speak when it is covered.

Team Jerry, Day 51, ALL THE WAY!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Little Bit Better

Hey everyone!

Just a quick update... Dad is doing better. The fever is subsiding and he is becoming a little more active. Movement is being seen now in his shoulders and toes, along with fingers and facial muscles. I tell ya... I think we're on the cusp of something big, but I dare not get my hopes up only to have them dashed AGAIN by the villain we know as GBS.

We are in the middle of trying to find a facility that can work on his ventilator and physical therapies. We'll post more on the location and timing of a move when we have it. For now, keep him and Mom in your prayers that they can survive another move and make the necessary adjustments without any problems.

Thanks again for all the support. It may sound redundant, but we couldn't make it through this without you... so thank you!!!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Rollercoaster Continues

Hey folks! Well… here is the latest.

So far, Dad is doing OK. He is moving a little more of his facial muscles, but it comes and goes each day. The doctors are trying to figure out why his temperature is going up, as it spiked on Saturday, Sunday and again today. Test results should be in by this afternoon, but this is more than likely another infection involving one of his IV lines.

Mom drove up to Roanoke from Danville by herself for the first time today. She is planning on staying there through the night and coming back tomorrow. The stress of this whole ordeal is understandably weighing on her, but she is trying to get through it the best way she knows how. Everyone is being very supportive and trying to keep her spirits high, but it can be hard to do at times. That's no knock on her, because most would have already faltered. We just try to keep it light as much as possible to remind her of the other side of life, and sometimes that can be hard for her to do.

Speaking of which, in case any of you are wondering why this is happening to Dad, or why something bad might be happening to you, I’d like to talk about something that was shared with us this weekend and kind of puts it in some perspective for me.

GBS is one of those illnesses that just wears down any feeling of normalcy that a patient or their family feels. For Dad, he’s just waiting for his body to “wake-up” and allow him to start the road to recovery. For Mom, GBS has taken someone she has loved for almost all of her life and is holding him hostage right in front of her. Of course, everyone is affected in different ways, but it kind of hit me the other day when we talked to the hospital Chaplin about Dad’s case.

She reminded me of something that Dad use to say, and it was that everyone has a purpose in life. Some are meant to be doctors, or lawyers, but some are meant to just share themselves.

Dad had what some would view as a simple profession… he was a truck driver. But more importantly, he was a friend to all that met him during his travels. For some in life, that’s something too hard for them to ever grasp. There’s no telling how many lives Dad touched during his travels. Even now, lying in a bed motionless and barely able to communicate, Dad is touching all of us that read this blog in some way, shape or form.

So, on behalf of Dad and his subtle words of wisdom bestowed upon me so long ago, what will be your purpose today?

OK… as soon as we have more, we’ll post it to the blog. Thank you for your continued support!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Floodgates Be Open!!!

In trying to think of how to give you this very important update in a way that wouldn't make anyone lose their appetite, I decided that there really wasn't an easy way to say it... so here goes... DAD FINALLY POOPED!!! That's right... the dam is breached, the beavers have been washed out, the lake is plum dry... however you want to say it, there's plenty of ways to do so (LOL).

The doctors started his feeding tube again a few days ago; and although he became bloated, it appears that his GI tract is starting to wake up. This is good in the sense that it could be an early indicator of good things to come in the very near future with regard to the rest of his body starting to wake up too. However, having ridden this roller coaster for the past month and a half, I'll wait for the next drop before I get excited about the next climb.

We hope to have more to relay to everyone once Mom and Liz return to Danville today. Take care and keep those prayers a goin'!

Team Jerry all the way!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nothing New

Hey everyone!

Well, just like the title says, there's nothing new to report. Additional tests have not shown any new developments for Dad. Mom has stayed with us in Danville yesterday and today for some much needed rest. She and Liz are planning on going to see Dad on Thursday, so we'll be able to provide a more accurate report afterwards. Until then, keep praying that this GBS will let loose of Dad and he'll open those big brown eyes of his soon!

We appreciate the donations that continue to come in, as we are using the money to pay for gas during the trips to Roanoke and take care of some of Mom and Dad's personal bills.

Also, we need people to pass the word around that Dad's big truck is for sale and is sitting on the Smokey Mountain Frieghtliner lot in Johnson City, TN. We are trying to sell it and his trailer; so if you know of anyone who might be interested in them, give us a call or post a comment to this blog. The details for the truck are: 2007 Frieghtliner Columbia, 10 Speed, with a Detroit 515, either 357 or 373 rear-ends, and 295K miles on it. The trailer is a 48 ft. box trailer and is good condition.

OK... that's all for now. Take care and we'll update you again real soon!

Team Jerry all the way!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Quiet Day

Nothing new to report today. Jerry received two pints of blood this afternoon. No cause for alarm- he was low on hemoglobin. A good reminder to us all to donate if we are ever able! Sherri, Shannon, Sarah, and Mary Sue went to visit him today. Mary Sue is going to take a much needed day off tomorrow. She has paperwork to attend to and I hopefully can help her. Jerry is smiling at the videos Anna Leigh makes for him. He loves that little girl- and she loves him right back.

Team Jerry all the way!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Something So True

Mary Sue just compared GBS to the circus. You never know exactly what you are going to get! Brilliant!

Team Jerry all the way!

New Tricks

Seems that Jerry has decided to work on his smile! Mary Sue just returned and said he was smiling even more today. He is moving his tongue and is feeling much better. His hemoglobin level is down and he might need a blood transfusion. This is most likely due to the infection he had to fight. All in all, he had a good day! Mary Sue and Sherri are going to Roanoke tomorrow.

Team Jerry all the way!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Stable is Good!

Hi Everyone!

Mom and I just returned from seeing Dad in Roanoake. He is still in ICU, as they want to continue monitoring him and making sure everything is OK. They have determined that he had a slight staff infection in one of his IV lines and that is what caused the fever spike. The IV was changed and Dad is stable and more reactive now.

The doctors feel like he still needs to be moved to a teaching medical facility that has the resources to care for Dad the way that needs to be done. They also feel like Dad's GBS case is so rare that it should be studied. So they have started efforts to find somewhere, like UVA, Duke or Wake Forrest to take him. Even though 2 of the 3 had turned us down when Dad was in KS, the hope is that stronger connections between Lewis-Gale and one of these facilities will help to make it happen this time around.

We'll keep you updated as more information becomes available. Thanks to everyone who have sent or are sending donations to Dad's benefit account. Someone asked me to do it, so I'm posting the address again for the P.O. Box. It is:

Todd Hawkins
P.O. Box 2364
Danville, VA 24541

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Headed to Roanoke

Todd has already left for Roanoke this morning. Jerry's fever had come down last night. Mary Sue said he was having a better night. His CT scan was negative and everything looks good. As soon as Todd gets to Roanoke, I will post another update. As we know with GBS, two steps forward- three steps back. Team Jerry all the way!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Not So Good

Hi folks!

Well, Dad has taken a little turn for the worse. He is back in ICU, or MICD as Lewis-Gale refers to it, because of a few different things. Dad has maintained a high fever since yesterday afternoon and there is no obvious indication as to why. Also, there is no change in his GI condition with the feeding tube. So they have moved him to ICU to monitor these issues closer and to also run more tests to figure out what is going on.

Mom spent the night with Dad last night, and will most likely be there again tonight. Please include in your prayers today that they find out what is going on with Dad soon.

We'll update you more as information comes in.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

8/5 Update

Hi everyone! Here’s the latest…

Dad had a procedure done on Tuesday (8/3) to extend the feeding tube further into his digestive tract to help with "waking-up" his gastro-muscles so his body can start to absorb nutrients on it's own and avoid the need for further IV feedings. Unfortunately, there were some complications when the feeding started and as a result, they had to drain the material from Dad's stomach, as well as other material that had undoubtedly been sitting there for an unknown amount of time. Currently, they are in the process of restarting the feeding at a slower rate with the hope that his body will slowly begin to “wake-up” in that area.

Now for some good news… Dad was able to slightly move more of his facial muscles today and was feeling a little more comfortable. Of course, we expect this to all change as the seesaw that is “GBS” continues, but we’re hopeful for the best. He has enjoyed getting different visitors each day and all the cards, as they seem to keep his spirits up. Mom is also doing a little better than when she arrived on Friday with Dad. I honestly thought we would be admitting both of my parents when we got them to the hospital. But she’s resting a lot more than before, and Anna Leigh seems to be helping to keep her spirits up as well.

OK… that’s all for now. We may have some news soon on where Dad will be moved to next for his specialized therapy. As soon as we have that information, we’ll let you know. Thanks again for all your prayers and support, as we truly appreciate it. Until next time, remember…

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A lil' good, a lil' bad...

Hi Folks!

Sorry for the delay in updating the blog, but it’s been quite hectic here and there is a lot going on now that Dad is back in Virginia. So let me cut through the chase and tell you what is going on.

Dad arrived on Friday and was put into MICD (Medical Intensive Care Dept.) for observation. Yesterday, Dad was moved to a “step-down” unit on the third floor and is now in room 348. The explanation for this move is long; so in short, it means that Dad is improving enough to where he doesn’t need the services provided by an ICU-like facility.

Dad’s new caseworker at Lewis-Gale came by to talk about her efforts to find Dad a long-term facility that will help with his tracheotomy and physical therapies. Not sure yet as to where, but we’re hoping for somewhere close. Typically, this type of facility only resides in a large city. We’ll keep you updated as this effort progresses, but the hope is to get him moved to this facility, wherever it is, within the next couple of weeks.

Both the Physical and Speech Therapists came by to visit Dad and were very pleased with what they saw. They said that once the GBS lets loose of Dad, they expect good results for his recovery. The hospitalist was also very pleased with Dad’s condition, and said the good state of his body was nothing short of excellent nursing by the crew in Kansas.

Now for the “not-so-good” stuff…

Dad has developed issues with his gallbladder and liver. It’s believed that this development may be a result of him still needing to be fed by I.V. instead of a feeding tube. So they are trying something different today with his feeding tube to relieve this condition. However, there is no guarantee that this will resolve the problem. So we’ll have to “wait and see”, which is a common answer for GBS patients. Honestly, I think after this is all done that we will be leading a campaign to rename GBS as WSS, the Wait and See Syndrome (hehe).

For those who want to send cards to Dad, please use the same address as the Benefit Account to do so. This will ensure he receives the cards, as Dad may be on the move soon and we would hate for any cards to get lost. They really help to keep him in good spirits, so keep sending them in.

OK… that’s all for now. We’ll continue to update you as more comes along. Thanks to all of you that have sent in donations so far, and for those on the way. We truly appreciate it! Please continue to let everyone know about the Benefit Account and ask them to send what they can.

Team Jerry all the way!!!