Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Something's Happening Here

On June 28, Todd spoke with his dad, not knowing this would be the last time he was able to speak. This was my mother's birthday. Today, my father celebrated 60 years. 51 days between these two birthdays. Today, early in the afternoon, my father-in-law, our precious Jerry, our beloved Papa, spoke!!!! His first words? Anna Leigh.

We thank God for this miracle. Especially since these were not the only things he said today. He asked for Todd, Mary Sue, and me. He also asked for his trach to be suctioned out and being the Southern gentleman he is, thanked the nurses everytime they did something for him. Jerry still has his trach, but he is able to speak when it is covered.

Team Jerry, Day 51, ALL THE WAY!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! As Yo Gabba Gabba Says..Baby Steps...
    Keep it up! We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!
