Saturday, August 7, 2010

Stable is Good!

Hi Everyone!

Mom and I just returned from seeing Dad in Roanoake. He is still in ICU, as they want to continue monitoring him and making sure everything is OK. They have determined that he had a slight staff infection in one of his IV lines and that is what caused the fever spike. The IV was changed and Dad is stable and more reactive now.

The doctors feel like he still needs to be moved to a teaching medical facility that has the resources to care for Dad the way that needs to be done. They also feel like Dad's GBS case is so rare that it should be studied. So they have started efforts to find somewhere, like UVA, Duke or Wake Forrest to take him. Even though 2 of the 3 had turned us down when Dad was in KS, the hope is that stronger connections between Lewis-Gale and one of these facilities will help to make it happen this time around.

We'll keep you updated as more information becomes available. Thanks to everyone who have sent or are sending donations to Dad's benefit account. Someone asked me to do it, so I'm posting the address again for the P.O. Box. It is:

Todd Hawkins
P.O. Box 2364
Danville, VA 24541

Team Jerry all the way!!!

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