Thursday, August 26, 2010

Road Work Ahead

When Dad was out on the road, he used to gripe about all the road work that he would encounter from time-to-time that would always delay his getting to somewhere on time. It’s kind of ironic how it must be to him to run into another road block again that is impeding his progress.

For the past couple of days, Dad has experienced bloating and other indescribable issues going on with his feeding tube and intestines. But suffice it to say, things were at a standstill. Finally, the doctors were able to determine yesterday that he as a small obstruction within his intestines that is constricting the flow of material. So they have started removing the feeding tube material from his stomach and restarted the IV feeding until the obstruction is gone.

The good news is that it is not likely to require surgery in order to fix the problem, but that may still be a possibility if things don't get to moving again and soon. The doctors are not sure what caused the obstruction to form, but this is something to be expected with someone in Dad's condition. Mom is staying with Dad and trying to make him has comfortable as possible until the dam breaks again. Truly, this falls under the GBS way of thinking... 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. So while are concerned, we are not worried at this point.

Dad is moving a little more of his facial muscles each day. It's the slight improvements that we will have to cling to from here on out, as confirmed by a neuro-specialist from Roanoke who came to observe Dad yesterday and was very intrigued by his condition. He was also very positive about the prospects of his overall healing process, but made sure that Mom and everyone else knew that Dad's road to full recovery will be very long. His best guess is that about 80% of Dad's nerves are, for the lack of a better description, dead as a byproduct of the GBS effects. However, these nerves are likely to grow back at the rate of about one millimeter per day; hence, the expectation for a long recovery time. So everyone will need to get use to idea of Dad being in the hospital, as that will likely be his home for a long while.

OK... that's it for now. As always, thank you for your continued prayers and support. We are making sure to read all of the get well cards to Dad as they come in. Even if you can't make a donation, please be sure to send a Get Well card just to let him know that you're thinking of him. Your card can be sent to the PO Box we set up for his benefit account. In case you don't remember, its:

P.O. Box 2364
Danville, VA 24541

May God bless and keep all of you!

Team Jerry all the way!!! his progress

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