Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Little Bit Better

Hey everyone!

Just a quick update... Dad is doing better. The fever is subsiding and he is becoming a little more active. Movement is being seen now in his shoulders and toes, along with fingers and facial muscles. I tell ya... I think we're on the cusp of something big, but I dare not get my hopes up only to have them dashed AGAIN by the villain we know as GBS.

We are in the middle of trying to find a facility that can work on his ventilator and physical therapies. We'll post more on the location and timing of a move when we have it. For now, keep him and Mom in your prayers that they can survive another move and make the necessary adjustments without any problems.

Thanks again for all the support. It may sound redundant, but we couldn't make it through this without you... so thank you!!!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

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