Thursday, August 5, 2010

8/5 Update

Hi everyone! Here’s the latest…

Dad had a procedure done on Tuesday (8/3) to extend the feeding tube further into his digestive tract to help with "waking-up" his gastro-muscles so his body can start to absorb nutrients on it's own and avoid the need for further IV feedings. Unfortunately, there were some complications when the feeding started and as a result, they had to drain the material from Dad's stomach, as well as other material that had undoubtedly been sitting there for an unknown amount of time. Currently, they are in the process of restarting the feeding at a slower rate with the hope that his body will slowly begin to “wake-up” in that area.

Now for some good news… Dad was able to slightly move more of his facial muscles today and was feeling a little more comfortable. Of course, we expect this to all change as the seesaw that is “GBS” continues, but we’re hopeful for the best. He has enjoyed getting different visitors each day and all the cards, as they seem to keep his spirits up. Mom is also doing a little better than when she arrived on Friday with Dad. I honestly thought we would be admitting both of my parents when we got them to the hospital. But she’s resting a lot more than before, and Anna Leigh seems to be helping to keep her spirits up as well.

OK… that’s all for now. We may have some news soon on where Dad will be moved to next for his specialized therapy. As soon as we have that information, we’ll let you know. Thanks again for all your prayers and support, as we truly appreciate it. Until next time, remember…

Team Jerry all the way!!!

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