Saturday, July 9, 2011


After 54 weeks in a hospital, Jerry arrived home a little before 12:30 PM. These pics and video say it all. Welcome home!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Independence Day!

Hey Folks! We hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend! Just like last year, Mom and Dad are spending the 4th of July in a hospital facility. The good news... the circumstances are a lot different. This time last year, Dad was just starting his journey down the GBS road. He had no movement in his extremeties, except for his toes, and the doctors were talking about the eventuality of putting a trach in to help Dad breath. One year later, Dad is off the trach, and all the other machines, and is learning how to walk again. Oh that road… what a long and winding course you turned out to be. Luckily, Dad is at the point of really making some significant progress. The facility he is at is teaching him how to care for himself again and working to get his body stronger. Dad’s attitude is to get it done so he can go home ASAP. Of course, that means working through a lot of pain and getting through each day with some sense of accomplishment… not matter how small. To me, this just proves that Dad is the unique man I always thought he was, and he will forever inspire me to be and do better. The video on this post was shot just a week ago, and Dad has already made more improvements. We’re posting this video to show everyone that your prayers and continued support are paying off. Just remember Dad when you’re finding it hard to get through your day or when you are faced with a stack of problems that seem imsurmountable. That’s what I do, and then I think, “What the heck am I worried about? This is nothing!” Take care of yourselves and be sure to drop Dad and Mom a line when you get a chance. Thanks again for all that you do. Team Jerry all the way!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Just a little closer to home!

Hey everyone!

We've been away for a while and haven't been able to update the blog lately. But there are a lot of good things to report, so let's get right to it.

First, Dad has moved to an Acute Therapy unit here in Danville at the local hospital, Danville Regional. The floor is filled with patients like Dad who are in need of intensive therapy to get them back on their feet. Dad arrived there almost 2 weeks ago, and while things are not perfect (and they never will be), he is making the best of it and working hard to get home. They work him out early in the morning, usually finishing up after lunch time. But each session will continue to get a little longer and a little more intense until Dad is able to walk on his own.

Second, Dad's physical therapy is going well. Yesterday was Anna Leigh's 10th birthday (can you believe it?), and while Dad didn't make his goal of being able to stand up beside his bed and dance a little with her, you can see by the photograph that he was able to sit himself up on the side of his bed and do a little improv-dancing from a seated position. Dad has learned through this whole ordeal that while you might not always reach the goal you set for yourself, it's important to make the best out of the milestone that you do reach. Sounds like a lesson we could all learn from at times... especially me. Dad recently transitioned from the parallel bars to a walker, which is a sign that his body is slowly but surely getting stronger.

Third, Dad is finally rid of all tubes and ties to machines. Because Dad is doing so well with eating whole foods again, the doctors decided it was time to remove the feeding tube. To think it was just a few short weeks ago that Dad was back on the IV feedings because he was so sick and now he is finally rid of it just warms our hearts beyond description. You never know of the of miracles that are just around the corner.

Finally, Dad was able to see his new house in person during his transit from the Chatham facility to Danville. The driver was kind enough to take a minor detour through the subdivision, since it was on the way, so that dad could look at it for the first time. He loves the new house and can't wait to start living with Mom again. While they've been almost inseparable for the past 11 months, they are looking forward to the day when they can be in their own house, fighting over the remote and grilling out on the deck. Ahhh... good times for sure.

Well, that's it for now. We'll continue to update you as things progress. Be sure to drop Dad a line either by mail or phone when you get a chance. He loves to hear from his friends and family, as it gives him encouragement to continue these hard therapy sessions to get better.

Take care of yourselves and know that we are truly grateful to have such great family and friends such as you in our lives.

Team Jerry all the way!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Home Sweet Home


Jerry has safely arrived in Chatham! We will update when we have more to share. We are so grateful for this opportunity!

Team Jerry all the way!!!!


Jerry is being moved to Chatham, not Gretna! Chatham is even closer to us than Gretna! We are still excited! He will be moved either today or as late as Monday. A few snags with paperwork, but he is coming home very soon! We will update as soon as he is here.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Biggest News EVER!

Tomorrow, Friday, May 20, our beloved father-in-law, husband, dad, and grandfather will be moved from Raleigh, NC to.........GRETNA, VA!!! Fifteen minutes from Mary Sue, 25 from Danville! We are so excited to share this news! It appears that after 15 days in Gretna he will move to intensive (4 times a day!) inpatient rehab at Danville Regional Medical Center.

Please pray for his transfer tomorrow and give thanks to God for this wonderful, incredible news!

Team Jerry all the way!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I lost it!

Hey folks!

You may be a little perplexed by the post title, but that's on purpose. You see, I got a call today from Dad where he said, "I lost it"! Of course, I was trying to figure out what he was talking about at first, and then he told me. But I can't make it that simple for you. So I'll update you first on what all is going on with Dad, then I'll tell you. Don't cheat by skipping to the end! (hehe)

First, Dad had a procedure done on Wednesday to retrieve his kidney stones. The doctors wanted to get these out of his system to keep the bacteria from colonizing and releasing each time one of them moved. Over the past week and a half, they have found 3 different types of bacteria all within his blood, urine and central line IV. By removing the stones and following with a strong dose of antibiotics, the doctors hope to rid Dad's body of these bacterias once and for all. Only time will tell.

Second, Dad is still progressing with his physical therapy and is able to move around a lot more in his bed now. This is a byproduct of his nerves growing back and Dad's determination to get out of that "blankety-blank" bed (hehe). But he hopes to have more aggressive therapy soon so he can get back on his feet ASAP.

Last, the ENT doctor and respiratory therapists have worked with Dad the past 2 weeks while he's been in the hospital. Yesterday, they reduced the size of his trach and capped it, which meant that Dad was breathing on his own and through his mouth and nose. It felt kind of weird at first, being that it was the first time he was doing it all on his own and through his regular airways. Then this morning, the doctor came back and removed the trach all together. So when Dad called to say "I lost it", he was telling us that they had removed the trach and he was finally rid of it.

Of course, what makes this news even more special is that Mom and Dad are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary today. Dad said this was his gift to Mom, and of course she was just fine with that. All of us are elated by this news and can't wait to see him again to join in his celebration. What this means for all of us is that Dad might be moving back to Virginia real soon! But we won't know for a while, as the doctors want to keep him on the antibiotics for a week or so to knock out all the bacteria.

So be sure to go onto his Facebook page or send Dad an email to congratulate him. For me, I can't tell you how much it warms my heart to know that I almost have my Dad back home, and the girls are just as happy!

Take care everyone, and be sure to smile extra big after reading this post. Because of you and your continued support, Dad is almost back with us! For that, I am truly grateful!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Still Treading Water

Hi everyone! Here is the latest update on Dad.

For the most part, Dad is doing better. He is still in the hospital in Raleigh, where they are monitoring his blood and bodily fluids for any elevation in bacteria. There is concern that his kidneys are harboring the bacteria that is causing his infections due to the stones that he still has in them. Late last week, Dad's white cell count started to elevate again. So as a precaution, the doctors started him on antibiotics in order to stay ahead of any infection he might start to have.

Yesterday afternoon, the doctors spoke with Mom and Dad and together decided to get the stones out of Dad's kidneys once and for all. So they will be doing a procedure on him either this Thursday or Monday of next week to retrieve the Stint and the stones. By doing so, they hope to rid Dad's body of any bacteria harboring material. Of course, we won't know for certain until well after the procedure is done, which means Dad could be in this hospital for quite some time.

As soon as we have more detail on the results of Dad's procedure, we'll let you know. For now, please just pray that he continues to stay healthy and the doctors are able to rid his body of the bacteria.

Rehab Update:
Since Dad has been in the hospital, the staff has worked together to come up with a meg-shift rehab plan that is allowing him to work on the physical, ventilator, and speech therapies he needs to fully recover from the GBS. Dad has a lot more movement now in his lower body and has even stood a few times each day, with assistance, to strengthen his lower body. The physical therapist wants to start putting him in a chair today and each day going forward for brief time periods to build up his tolerance again for sitting up.

As for his ventilator, it's gone. Dad has been on the cuff (straight oxygen) now for a week and the ENT is coming by this week to talk about reducing the size of his trach. This will allow them to eventually plug the trach and train Dad to breath through his mouth and nose again. It will also give Dad's body a chance to heal and slowly close the wound around the trach area.

Speech Therapy is not going as well as Dad would like. The infection inflamed Dad's throat area and he has not been able to swallow in a sufficient way that would allow him to start eating again. But Dad continues to work on his exercises and this part of his recovery will hopefully start coming around soon enough.

OK... that's it for now. As always, thank you for your continued support. Dad is still receiving cards and notes of encouragement from all of you. They really help to brighten up his day and give him the patience he needs to get through it all. So feel free to continue sending these well-wishes to Dad via the PO Box here in Danville and we'll make sure he gets them. You can also reach Dad and Mom via their email address:

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hi Everyone!-

Just wanted you to know that Jerry is doing well. The infection is gone, and they are trying to find him a bed at the rehab facility. The hope is that he will move back to Blue Ridge this week. He looks great- and is VERY focused on his recovery. Of course, he's ready to fire up the grill and have a cookout with all his loved ones and friends!

He wants everyone to know how much your cards and well-wishes continue to mean to him. Anna Leigh had not visited in several weeks because of his condition. Today was the first visit for her in quite some time, and he enjoyed every second of it! Anna Leigh, of course, had to show off her new haircut, and he was ever the doting grandfather!

Thanks again for ALL the prayers! We firmly believe that God is working miracles with Jerry- EVERY DAY! Just as there was the miracle of Christ's resurrection, we continue to see evidence of His power working through Jerry to show us how someone can truly be "reborn".


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Doing Better!!!

Hey folks!!!

As the post title indicates, Dad is doing better. The doctors have visited with Dad over the past few days and talked to Mom about Dad's prognosis. Everything seems to indicate a full recovery, which is a true blessing. The hospital wants to keep him for observation for a while just in case the infection comes back so they can attack it quickly. So they have started working on his therapy with him so that he doesn't get any further behind in his GBS recovery.

That's all for now. I'll post more detail once we get some more info from the doctors. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for your well wishes and prayers. They really help Dad and the family to get through this whole ordeal. Take care!

Team Jerry all the way!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Out of Recovery & Back in his Room

Hey everyone!

Dad had his procedure done this morning and everything appears to be OK. The doctor put a shunt in to allow the kidney stone to pass through when it comes out of his kidney. There were no major concerns with what he found in Dad's kidney or bladder, but the doctor took samples of a few areas and are sending it off to be tested just to be sure. We will hopefully know by Thursday how well the shunt is working, as well as the test results to see if there is anything else that needs to be addressed.

For right now, Dad is back in his room and is resting comfortably. Mom is spending the night with him, which brightened up Dad's eyes when he found out. She also took his laptop down so he could work his Farmville. In addition, this means you can email him and send your well wishes.

I'll let you know more as it comes in. Thanks again for all your prayers. Let's pray that all the test come back normal and he passes the kidney stone soon.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Update on Kidneys!

Hey folks! Just a quick update on the latest info with Dad.

The Urologist did a sonogram today on Dad's kidneys to see how they are functioning. He found a rather large stone in the tube exiting the right kidney that may or may not account for the elevated creatinine in Dad's blood. As Mom explained to me, elevated creatinine means the kidney is not able to operate correctly for some reason. In this case, it may be due to the stone partially blocking the tube coming out of the kidney. This is good news, as it would indicate that the medicine Dad had to take for the infection may not have hurt his kidneys after all.

There is a procedure schedule for Wednesday morning at 10am, where the doctor plans to go in and get the stone. I won't go into details about the procedure, as it hurts me to just think about it. But needless to say, Dad will need a little anesthetic (I'd need a lot), as the procedure is not that invasive. If everything works out, this may help the cretinine levels to normalize. Mom plans to be there for the procedure.

Please keep Dad and Mom in your prayers tonight and tomorrow, and pray that this procedure will fix the problem with Dad's kidneys. We'll try to update you as we hear more about how Dad did during the procedure and if this fixes the problem.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Get those Prayers going!

Hey folks!

I have a lot to tell you about Dad and a short time to type it in, so here goes:

Dad is still at Rex Hospital in Raleigh. This is where they sent him for his infection. He is out of ICU and they have stopped the antibiotics that they were giving Dad to kill the bacteria in his blood and urine. This is all good news and we are very thankful for it.

On the flip side, Dad has developed issues with his kidneys. The doctors don't know for sure, but it appears that Dad's kidneys may have been adversely affected by the medicine that they had to give him. So they are calling in a kidney specialist to look at Dad and his case to determine the cause of the kidney issues.

Dad is also not able to breath on his own anymore. While Dad is still stronger than he use to be before starting the ventilator therapy, he is experiencing enough problems with his breathing for the doctors to err on the side of caution and keep him on the ventilator. Of course, you're probably saying the same thing we are... oh great, here we go again. But we are reminding Dad that he overcame this issue before and he can do it again.

That's it for now. Please pass the word along to anyone you know to put Dad on a prayer list and get those prayer chains going. Dad is truly facing an uphill battle over the next few days/weeks. All we can do is what we've been doing, which is hope and pray for the best and just put it in God's hands.

If you'd like to send Dad a message of encouragement or a Get Well card, feel free to mail it to him at PO Box 2364, Danville, VA, 24541. Or you can email him at

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Doing Better

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that Dad is doing better now. He is still at the hospital as they wind down the antibiotic cocktail, but will hopefully be back at the rehab facility within the next few days.

Thanks again for all of the prayers and emails of well-wishes. They were really appreciated!

Take care and we'll update the blog again real soon.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Getting There...

Hi everyone!

Dad appears to be doing better after a few days of antibiotics. They identified the bacteria causing his infection. And if I knew how to say it, I might come close to spelling it. Needless to say, I'm not going to attempt either. But I can say that it is a nasty super bug. We read about it on the web and it is most prevalent in the big cities, but is starting to make its way to smaller cities and towns. It is a bug that is mostly found in patients who are housed in medical facilities for the long term, which would fit Dad to a tee right now.

The scariest thing about the bug is that it can be very serious and is somewhat resistant to certain antibiotics. In fact, the hospital here had to special order the medicine Dad is on due to the rare need for it. But we were prepared for this finding, as it fits in with the last 9 months of "uniqueness". Everyone seems to be confident that Dad will get better, it's just going to take time.

Of course, Dad is disappointed about the setback, but he knows its just a minor one for right now. It helped that Anna Leigh made him a card that told him to hang in there and how much she loved him. You could tell that it really touched his heart when we gave it to him, as he was grinning from ear-to-ear, something he hadn't done for the past week.

Well, that's all for now. We'll let you know more as information comes available. We don't believe he will be moved from ICU this weekend like we had hoped, but we'll see.

If you want to send well wishes via email, Mom and Dad's new email address is:, or post comments to this blog post.

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


The prayers seem to be working, as Dad has started to stabilize and is showing signs of getting better. His blood pressure has fluctuated for the past few hours, but all within normal parameters. His temperature is also going up and down, but nothing that Tylenol hasn't been able to control. The only concern of mine is his heart rate, which is elevated right now. But the doctors and nurses both assure us that this is probably the byproduct of the infection in his body and the medicine that they are giving him to fight the infection. Once both are removed from his system, things should go back to normal.

He is resting comfortably right now and if things go well overnight, they'll move him to a step-down unit on Friday. Dad has not needed the ventilator again since last night, which is a good sign that his body is getting stronger.

Please continue to pray for him and Mom. She has worried herself to the point of exhaustion. In fact, I'm forcing her to leave in just a few minutes so we can get her back to Danville at a descent time and allow her to get some much needed rest before she travels back down Raleigh tomorrow.

As soon as there is more to report, we'll update the blog. Thanks for your continued support!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Need Your Prayers

Well... here we go again.

Over the weekend, Dad developed a high fever. As the days progressed, he started to show signs of an infection. The facilty ran some tests and decided to send him to the ER down the road for more tests and observation. Long story short, Dad is now in ICU (as of 3/30) where he is being treated for a serious infection. He is septic, which means his blood became infected, his blood pressure also bottomed out, and his heart rate went through the roof. All of these things combined made for a very scary night.

As of this posting time, Dad's blood pressure has started to stabalize and his fever is under control. The heart rate is still up, but is better than what it was yesterday. He ate a little something for lunch, which made him feel somewhat better. The past 24 hours has taken a lot out of Dad, but he is resting more peacefully now. We (April, Mom and me) are operating on about 5 hours sleep, as we didn't get back to VA until early this morning and woke up early to return today so we could meet with the doctors. Unfortunately, today is the day the doctors decided to be late, so we are waiting for them to arrive so we can find out the name of the bacteria causing Dad's infection and how long he might have to stay before is able to return to his rehab facility.

So we would appreciate as many prayers as possible right now to pray for Dad to get over this infectino fast so we can start back on the path to recovery.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What's going on!

Well, where do we start? Lots of new things are happening with Dad! He is able to walk with mechanical support as you can see by the video in the last posting. In addition, Dad has started eating solid foods and does not require nutrition via the feeding tube anymore. As of right now, the plan is for Dad’s trach to be capped Monday (3/28). This will force him to breathe on his own through his mouth and his nose. Even though he is breathing on his own now, he must learn to do it through the normal nasal and oral passages. In order for the trach to be completely gone, he must successfully breathe on his own with the cap on the trach for 2 weeks. At the conclusion of that time period, Dad will be reevaluated to determine if they can take the trach out completely. This is a crucial time because we want the trach GONE! As I said today, that’s one less machine to deal with in that tiny room!

Besides walking, Dad is able to move around in a motorized wheelchair. The facility has a loaner for him to use until he moves out and to his new facility or home. This allows him some much needed freedom and he loves it. We were walking with him at our last visit and everyone that saw him going down the hallway said “Hi Jerry!” It’s like he’s Norm from Cheers! (hehe) Anyway, this is a great ego boost for him, because he doesn’t have to depend on someone else to get him around.

In other news, we moved Mom and Dad to Danville at the beginning of March. They bought a house in a subdivision just outside Danville. Mom and Dad love the house, even though Dad hasn’t seen it in person. April’s mom, who is a real estate agent, did a virtual tour with pictures of the house, so it’s just like being there. Dad saw the tour and is really excited to get home so he can start planting things with Mom and Anna Leigh. But more importantly, he’s getting tired of the hospital facilities. After 9 months, who can blame him? Mom is almost done unpacking the many boxes from Richlands and we're in the process of getting a few things for her that she had to leave in the old house. To update your address book, their new address is 402 Deerwood Drive, Blairs, VA 24527. Their new home phone number is 434-836-1502. For the time being, we are keeping Dad’s mobile phone. So if you have that number, it still works.

Well, that’s all for now. Take care and keep those well wishes coming.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Walk On.....

As a family we witnessed a moment we will never forget. While all three of us (Gammi too!) watched, Papa took his first steps. Watch the video and enjoy his moment.

Walk on,
Walk on.
What you got,
They can't steal it
No they can't even feel it.
Walk on, walk on.
Stay safe tonight...
~ U2,Walk On

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Things Continue!

Hey folks!

Sorry for the extended gap between now and the last update. What can I say but there is just too much "life" going on right now, if you know what I mean. But enough about me, let's get to the man on every one's mind... no, not Brad Pitt... it's Dad, silly!

Monday, February 28th, will mark the 8-month anniversary of Dad contracting Guillian-Barre. In that time period, Dad will have gone from not being able to move at all or breath on his own to what you see in the pictures today. In case you are wondering what Dad is doing in the first picture, he is trying to feed himself the wonderful entree that the facility fixed for his lunch today, which was potatos au gratin, carrots and fried chicken, all pureed of course, with sweet tea to drink. In the other picture, Dad is sitting up on the side of the bed under his own power. He needed assistance to get to that position, but he's requiring a little less help to do it each day. Dad is able to swing his feet back and forth and lift them up just ever so slightly when sitting upright on the edge of the bed. He's also able to play a little game of volleyball with his hands and a balloon to help with his upper body physical therapy. This is all great news, as it's awesome to see Dad start progressing a little more each day.

Of course, no one believed that Dad would be doing this well back 8 months ago. All of the doctors had grim responses to our questions about Dad's prognosis and what kind of life he would have in the future. But it just goes to show you how prayer and hard work can upend those doubts and fears.

As of today, there is no doubt in every one's mind that Dad will be back to or close to 100% within the coming year or two. But it will take more prayers and lots of hard work to keep Dad headed in the right direction. So please be sure to continue to write Dad so we can make sure he stays on the right course. You really don't know how much your words of encouragement mean to him and how it keeps his spirits up.

For instance, Dad received lots of letters and cards a few weeks ago around the time of his birthday. All were positive in nature and help to lift Dad's spirit. But one in particular from a neighbor who had fallen on hard times herself not too long ago was especially inspiring to him. She too had something to literally take her life in a different direction, not at all fitting into her "plan" of how her golden years would be. But with God's help and that of her family, she was able to work through the tough times and come out on the other end of it better than she was before. Sure, some things had changed, but she was stronger for having experienced the hardship and was a better person for it now because she knew what it meant to be down on the bottom and how to get back on top again. Her story reminds me of another that I heard not too long ago.

A guy is walking down the street one day and falls into a deep hole. Finding no way to climb out, he starts to holler to the top, asking for help. A doctor walks by and the guy says, "Hey doc, can you help me get out of here?" The doctor takes out his prescription pad, writes a prescription for nerve pills, tears it off and throws it down to the man as he walks off. Another man walks by, this time its a priest and the man asks the him for help out of the hole. The priest kneels at the edge of the hole, says a prayer for God to give the man strength and courage. Then he gets up and keeps on walking. Finally, a friend of the guy walks by and the guy screams to him for help. The next thing he knows, his friend jumps down into the hole with him. In astonishment, the guy says to his friend, "What are you... crazy or something? Why on earth did you jump down here?" The friend looks at the guy with a smile and says, "Because I've been down here before and I know the way out".

Sometimes, those who you think would be the most helpful are not, and those who you think wouldn't be helpful come through for you in the end. When you least expect it, God will usually send you exactly who and what you need. My point is... for the past 8 months, God has sent all of you to Dad, and for that we are extremely thankful.

Well, that's all the news for now. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Dad wanted me to tell everyone that you are certainly in his and Mom's, and they can't thank all of you enough for your continued support.

Take care of yourselves and we'll update you again real soon.

Team Jerry all the Way!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New and Exciting Things are Happening!

Hey there, Ho there, How's it going there!

OK... so I'm a little too jovial today. But that's because of all the new and exciting things that happened this past week for Dad. So instead of me talking about what a proud son I am and how it warms my heart to know what I know, I'll just tell ya so you too can be too jovial.

Let's first travel back in time to the week prior to Dad's birthday. It was a trying week where things just didn't seem to be going anywhere fast. Dad and Mom was frustrated with the staff, and they were appearing to become frustrated with them. The facility's management was saying one thing, but the staff was doing another. Things just didn't seem to be headed in the right direction. But then, Monday came along and things started to change.

On that day, the head therapist came in and had a long talk with Mom and Dad to apologize for some of the confusion regarding Dad's treatments. In short, the whole mess was caused by a breakdown in communications, a common theme in just about every dysfunctional process out there. So he committed to making things and better, and boy did he keep his word.

Folks, as a choke back the tears, I am pleased to announce that Dad had his first "meal" in over 7 months. The meal of choice was pureed crab cakes and mash potatoes with sweet tea. Now, I'm not saying that he sat down and ate a plate full...we're only talking about small amounts. But hey... at this point, that's a full meal for him. He also had breakfast the next day, with oatmeal and scrambled eggs. So you might be thinking this is real exciting, and you'd be right. But I've got more.

As you know, the biggest concern is the progress, or lack thereof, of Dad's vent weaning. Well, I'm pleased to announce that Dad is making big headway in that department as well. On Tuesday, Dad tried the trach-collar that I've told you about in past posts. This is where they attach a tube that is just supplying oxygen to Dad's trach tube so he is getting pure oxygen when he breathes. The therapy is very tiring, because the patient has no mechanical support to help with the breathing. But it helps the patient to build their lung muscles so they can breath more on their own.

Like I said, on Tuesday started the therapy and was able to go for just over an hour with the machine. Then on Wednesday, Dad went just under 3 hours. Mostly, this is because his older... um, I mean more mature... oh, good grief... I mean his sister that came out before him (??) was there to help Mom distract Dad while he was on the trach-collar. Each day this week and weekend, Dad has continued to progress. As of this evening, Dad had gone 10 plus hours on the therapy and was going to do more after Mom left to go back to the hotel for the evening.

Folks, I can't tell you how proud I am of Dad, and I know you share in the excitement. I know that part of the reason he is doing do well is because of the love and encouragement he is receiving from family and friends. Your words of faith and love have really touched Dad's heart and made him realize that its time to "kick this pig" so-to-speak and get to work. While the doctors, nurses, family, and Mom all share ownership in Dad's therapy, please know that you do too and because of your continued support, Dad is getting better. So on behalf of Dad, THANK YOU!!!

OK... that's it for now. I'll update you more later. Take care of yourselves!

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy 60th Birthday!

Thank you to all who came to the birthday party on Saturday or sent cards! He was so surprised and tickled to know how many people are pulling for him! Enjoy the photos!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Quick Birthday Reminder... and Update

Hey folks!

I just wanted to remind everyone that Dad is turning 60 this Friday on February 4th. If you want to send a card to him, you can mail it to either:

PO Box 2364
Danville, VA 24541


Jerry Hawkins
c/o Blue Ridge Health Care Center
3830 Blue Ridge Road
Raleigh, NC 27612

Now for an update on Dad…

The insurance company is at it again. They gave us a scare this past week stating that they would start denying Dad's claim for Skilled Nursing after February 5th and he would have to go on Custodial Care. Essentially, they were giving up on him and not willing to pay anymore for his treatments. Well, after a long talk with both them and the care center in Raleigh, everyone appears to be on the same page about what Dad needs and deserves. They have given Dad 3 weeks to show some more improvements or they might reverse the decision and make it final. Unfortunately, that doesn't give us much time due to some other factors.

Folks... I don't know that I've ever encountered someone who can be so brave at times and so scared at others. I guess that's what happens to someone when they face their own mortality in the face like Dad did. Dad saw his 7 months ago in Topeka, KS when he stopped breathing. That fear of not breathing is always with him and he is finding it hard to let go. Pile on top of those feelings the fact that we are having some "issues" with the nursing staff that makes Dad question their intent on making him better and it becomes a hard predicament to manage. Fortunately, I think we can help Dad through this part of his treatments.

With your help, I think we can keep Dad encouraged and upbeat on facing his daily trials and tribulations with his treatments. Dad has to work harder and more diligently than he's ever worked before in order to get better. There will be plenty of times that Dad will be scared beyond anything that you or I can imagine. But he's got to face it head-on and do everything possible to overcome it.

All of you know Dad and know that he's capable of doing it. We've just got to remind him of how strong he once was and still is today. We can't let him give up! So when you send your well wishes and birthday cards this week and going forward, make sure to let him know how proud of him you are and how much faith you have in him to get through this ordeal. Any personal tales of triumph would be welcome, as it helps to remind Dad that we have all had our own cross to bear at times; and with the help of our friends, loved ones and a higher power, he can and will come through this crisis right now in his life.

OK... that's it for now. Take care of yourselves and I'll try to post some pictures of Dad on the next update.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can you hear me now?

Hey everyone!

Well, someone's been making phone calls this past week, and I'll get to more of that in a moment. There's a lot of new things happening in Mom and Dad's world, so I'll dispense with the usual intro and just get right to it.

The family met with Dad's doctors and therapists on Wednesday (1/19) to discuss his current medical status, conceivable goals, and what barriers they feel he will face in the coming months. The big news is that they think that Dad will recover to almost 100% over time, but it will take a lot of hard work on his part. Unfortunately, Dad will probably remain at this facility for a while longer than we had first hoped. Current estimates are 4-6 months. Here's a breakdown of each rehab area:

Speech Therapy - Everyone said they are very pleased with the progress Dad has made in this area. They would like for him to deflate his ventilation cuff more often during each day so he can work on talking more. This tactic will help to reawaken his vocal cords and throat muscles, which will help him to learn how to swallow again and be able to eventually eat on his own. Dad had mentioned to his therapist that Banana and Grape flavors sounded good to him, so she and her husband bought Dad some Popsicles the other day while they were at the grocery store.

As a result of his progress, Dad was able to make a few phone calls to different family and friends over the past week. Of course, it made his day to be able to talk to other people besides the ones that he gets to see most of the time. His voice is still crackling a little, but that will subside over time as he talks more.

Ventilation Therapy - When Dad came to this new facility, the ventilation machines were hard to get use to, as they are mechanically different from what he was use to in Lynchburg. But he has adapted well to the change and has started progressing towards staying off the machine more hours each day. The therapists think Dad can be off the ventilator within the next few months with continued hard work and effort.

Physical Therapy - There's been a few bumps in the road with this part of Dad's rehab, but we're working things out with the staff. The therapist wants Dad to stay out of the bed a little more each day to help with getting his body accustom to sitting up. This will also help to strengthen the muscles in his abdomen. So Dad is trying to do this each day, but is having difficultly working through the pain. To add to it, the staff is not always the best about coming back to get him into bed at the time they agree upon. It sometimes ends up being over an hour longer than what they promised, which doesn't sit well with Dad or us at all. But like I said, we're working on fixing it with the facility's management.

Overall movement in Dad's body is still showing some improvements. Mobility in his arms and legs is slowly coming back, and he's able to do a few more things on his own. Hopefully, this too will continue to progress over the coming months.

As for Mom, she is staying with Dad in Raleigh and visiting him each day. We found a place just down the road from the facility that does long-term stays. After some haggling, we were able to get them to come down on the price just enough to make it somewhat affordable. The room has a little dinette in it, so she's able to cook for herself. One of family's friends wanted to see Dad, so when he came down to visit, he brought Mom's car to her from Richlands so she can save on travel expenses. While he was there, he also gave Dad a much needed haircut, which made Dad feel a lot better.

The house in Richlands has a contract on it and we're in the process of doing the same here in Danville. As last reported, we found a house that fits Mom and Dad's needs and we're praying that the owners will accept our offer. There will be a shortfall between the price of the house here and what they'll get for the house in Richlands. But we're trying to get the payments low enough to make it affordable for Mom and Dad in the coming years. As soon as we have more info, I'll let you know.

Well, that's all for now. We'll continue to keep you posted on Dad's progress and everything else going on with him and Mom. Take care of yourselves, and thank you so much for your continued support and well wishes. They mean more to us then you will ever know.

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Place, New Way of Doing Things!

Hey folks!

Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year. Dad is starting to adjust to the new facility that he moved to on Jan. 3rd in Raleigh, NC. Of course there are some growing pains, such as getting everyone on the same page with Dad's care, but we're use to doing that by now. Dad is still making phone calls to people when they try to contact him, and believe, plenty are trying. It really makes him feel good when he's able to talk to people and communicate directly with them. After all, he hasn't done anything like that in over 6 months.

The family is meeting with the doctors this week to hear their plan for Dad's recovery. We're hoping that things with go smoothly and quickly so we can get him home. But we don't want to rush things either, so we are just satisfied with knowing that he is getting better.

The movement in his upper body is slowly coming back. Dad can almost touch his face with his hands. The part that is keeping him from doing it is his upper arms, which haven't come around just yet. But we know with a little hard work, they should come around soon.

We have found a place for Mom to stay in Raleigh while Dad is there. It's a mile and a half from the facility and close to restaurants and a grocery store. We talked to the manager of the establishment and was able to get a rate that is comparable with what it would cost to rent a furnished apartment. Mom also got her car delivered to her today by a good friend of the family. He brought it down from Richlands, so now she won't have to rely on taxicabs to get back and forth.

Mom came to Danville and spent the weekend with us. We went Saturday and found a house that we think will be good for them. The layout is ideal and the location is doable. We just pray that they'll take our offer.

Well, that's all for now. We'll update the blog again soon once we know the doctor's plan for his recovery to let everyone know the timeline. Take care of yourselves and keep those well wishes coming. If you want to send him a card, just use the PO Box (2364) in Danville (24541).

Team Jerry all the way!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


It's April today. Just to let everyone know.....Jerry was moved to a facility in Raleigh, NC this past Tuesday. They immediately began to work with him and continue to move his recovery forward. On Friday, I pulled Anna Leigh out of class because she had a very special phone call....from her Papaw! She was beyond thrilled and it did this Mommy's heart good to hear her so happy! We know it hasn't been easy on any of us, but Anna Leigh probably has the best attitude about it but also struggles with it.

We visited him today and we was in decent spirits. He was having an off day but took a phone call from his brother Jim and made sure to tell Anna Leigh how beautiful she was. He sounds like himself, only a bit gravelly. We are tickled with his progress, but we all realize we still have a ways to go.

As news arises, I will continue to update the blog. God bless....thanks for the prayers!

Team Jerry ALL THE WAY!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! Hope you are enjoying your New Year so far. We have a lot to update you on, so here goes...

First, Dad's ventilation therapy. Dad has really done well over the past couple of weeks with his vent weaning. He is up to 12 hours a day now on pressure support, which means he can probably start doing some work with the cuff. For those of you not in the know (which included me until a few weeks ago), the cuff is a mechanism that they put over Dad's trach and is hooked-up directly to oxygen. This means that he is totally off the machine and the longer he lasts, the better. So far, he's done it once and only lasted 5 minutes, but that's a good first start. Only time will tell when he can do more.

Next, Dad's physical therapy. Over the past few weeks, PT has started sitting Dad up on the side of his bed each day, and getting him out of bed so he can do some exercises. They wanted to get him to a standing table this past week, but there were some complications that prevented it. Movement in is arms, legs and feet is slowly progressing, and he is able to do a lot more than what he use to. Dad can move the mouse on a computer enough to slowly work on his Farmville, but that's about it. But with hard work, Dad will continue to get better.

Then, there is Dad's next move. That's right, Dad is transferring to a facility in North Carolina called Blue Ridge Health Care Center on or around Tuesday (01/04/11). This facility is geared to help him further with the vent weaning and his physical therapy, which are both good things. Of course, the downside is that Mom won't be able to stay with Dad while he is there. So we'll have to figure out some type of accommodations for her either in Raleigh or Danville. In addition, his insurance policy will only cover 70% of the cost for the facility, which can run about $20,000 a month. Needless to say, this will further strain Mom and Dad's financial situation. But we are looking for alternative coverage that might be able to assist with paying for this facility. If you have any ideas outside of the norm, I'd love to hear them. In all, we're trying to focus on the fact that Dad is contiuing to progress and hopefully will not be in the facility for too long before his next move to an in-patient physical therapy unit.

In case you haven't heard, we are in the process of selling Mom and Dad's house in Richlands. While they love the area and truly hate to leave their friends and family, the reality is that Mom and Dad will need our assistance (Todd, April, and Dad's family) here in Danville to help with his recovery going forward. This move will hopefully occur in the next couple of months. If anyone just has a hankering for lifting and moving furniture in the near future, let me know and I'll fulfill your need one day in early 2011. (hehe)

Finally, on behalf of Dad, Mom, April and Anna Leigh, I would just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Words cannot express how your constant words of encouragement and prayers have kept us going over the past six months. Our hope is that none of you ever experience a hardship like Dad's; but know this... we will be there for you if such a fate should ever befall any of you. This ordeal has given us a truer appreciation for life and for the ones who currently surround us with their love and support. I am still blown away by how one man could invigorate such a constant expression of love and concern. But then again, if you know the man, you know why. Dad probably never really thought he was much more than just another hardworking truck driver who was trying to stay ahead of the bills enough so he could splurge a little bit on his wife and granddaughter every now and then. A guy, that for all intended purposes, would not be remembered for that much. But thanks to all of you, he now knows that his life means so much more and has touched so many in a good way, that he can never deny his importance in this world again.

Well, that's all for now. We'll post another update once Dad and Mom have settled into their new location(s). In the meantime, if you would like to visit the facility's website to learn more about it or directions on how to get to it, use this link: BRHCC.

Happy New Year everyone! Team Jerry all the way in 2011!!!