Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Another Day, Another Day

As time passes, Dad is becoming less and less responsive. But this is to be expected as the GBS effects peak within Dad’s system during what is now the 3rd week. His doctors have conferred with Wake Forest’s Neurology Dept. and they are willing to accept Dad once he is ready to travel. According to Dad’s doctor, he is not stable enough to transport right now due to the time involved in getting him from point A to point B. So they want to give it another week before we consider moving him. Again, this is consistent and expected with the GBS diagnosis.

Mom is starting to tire, as the day-to-day emotional seesaw that she has been on for the past 2 weeks is beginning to wear on her. I would appreciate it if any of you that have the means could send her words of encouragement either via the hospital’s email system or Dad’s cell phone (276-492-6604). Even though she knows it already, she needs to be reminded that we're all behind her and Dad and that things will get better.

Lastly, paying for the plane trip home! Congressman Boucher’s office contacted me today and we talked about Dad’s situation. They will make some calls on our behalf to explain the situation and motivate the insurance company to reconsider their initial denial. But I’m not counting on anything happening, and Dad's case worker reitterated that sentiment to me today. So I am going to look into the possibility of establishing a Fund for Dad at one of his local banks for anyone who wants to donate towards his cause, just in case we have to go-it alone. Lots of people have asked how they can help, and this will be one way they can do so. Once I have more details, I’ll post them to the blog and I’ll need everyone to spread the word to those of you who are reading and keeping others informed.

OK… that’s all for now. I hope to have more later on. Take care of yourselves and keep Dad and Mom in your thoughts and prayers.

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