Friday, July 9, 2010

OH... what a day!

Hi Friends and Family! Well, it's been a roller coaster of a day, but I'll try to keep this to a Reader's Digest size posting.

Dad's condition worsened through the day, so much so that his neurologist wanted to airlift him to KU this afternoon. But in speaking with the doctor, he couldn't name a reason for moving him other than he was tired of scratching his head. So I vetoed the move until Monday to give Dad some time to turn around. After all, we knew he would get worse before he got better and if I'm going to approve him being airlifted to somewhere, then it better be in the direction of the East Coast.

Mom called back shortly after I got off the phone with the neurologist to say that Dad was doing a little better and that she had asked the doctors to do a couple of more things to help Dad with a few of his conditions. Not to go into too much detail, but let's just say the dam needs to break on the south end for some much needed relief, if you know what I mean.

Duke is no longer an option for Dad, because they have no place to put him. More than likely, they didn't want to house someone with this condition. Needless to say, our Blue Devil loyalties are now swaying. I called Wake Forest and got their contact information for Dad's doctor to call and talk about moving him there first thing next week. It's the same distance as Duke from our house, so there's no real downside.

The main thing we need everyone to do is to keep praying for a turnaround, and that we can convince the insurance company that bringing Dad back to the East Coast is a good investment is his future health and their bottom line.

I'll update everyone more as things develop over the weekend. Until then, thanks to everyone for your continued support. And don't forget that Saturday (7/10) is Mom's birthday, so be sure to call her on Dad's cell (276-492-6604) and wish her a HB.

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