Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Friday, Friday, Friday!!!

Hi gang! This is Todd.

As of the time of this post, Dad is scheduled to be in Roanoake, VA by Friday afternoon (between 2:30 & 3:00pm EST). Since we are having to pay for the flight ourselves (thank you Anthem... NOT!), Mom will also be accompanying him on the plane. So the two of them will back on VA soil by the end of the week. That's the good news.

Folks, I don't feel comfortable doing this, but I've been told that I need to swallow my pride for the sake of my family. So it's like this...

As you can imagine, the cost of the medical flight and ambulance transportation will be substantial, and bills are steadily coming in. It's going to take a while for Dad to get signed up on Disability, and even then, there's an inevitable delay before that will kick-in. So if anyone is interested in donating money for us to use to pay Mom and Dad's mounting bills, please mail the money to the address in the earlier post regarding the Benefit Account. I'm sorry that I can't give you a donation receipt for the sake of a tax deduction, but I know that anyone that is sending money in is not doing it just for that purpose. Any amount, no matter how small, will help and be greatly appreciated. OK... enough of that.

Dad is slowly progressing in his limb movements. He has a little more action in his forearms, legs, lips and chin. Mom says that he's really trying to open his eyes. Hopefully, that will happen soon.

Please pass the word around about Dad and Mom coming back to VA on Friday, as well as the need for donations. And be sure to say an extra prayer on Friday for the flight crew and hospital staff that will be handling Dad's transfer.

God bless all of you!

Team Jerry all the way!

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