Saturday, July 10, 2010

Not crazy about this roller coaster

Up and down, left and right- these swerves and curves are leaving us feeling quite nauseated. Todd's dad continues to ride the roller coaster that is GBS. I will let him give you more info later but nothing has truly changed. They are all still scratching their heads at times because this GBS is not to true to form in many ways. However, it is in many ways as well. He is moving his foot and hand so we are pleased with that.

We cleaned Jerry's truck out today. It was heartbreaking to say the least. My mom and dad came along for the ride. Blake and Jim showed up and helped. Thank you to my parents and Jerry's brothers for their help. You guys are great! Family is what it is truly about.

I will let Todd update later. He is talking to his mom now and paying bills. We are headed home in the morning because I have to teach vacation bible school at church. I welcome this distraction.

Soon I will order bracelets for everyone to wear until Jerry is home and well! This is part of Anna Leigh's master plan to get her Papa home.

Team Jerry all the way!


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