Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am such a blonde!

Sorry for no further updates yesterday. I had a little mishap with the stove! Good news is the stove is fine but my hand is going to require some healing time. To make a long story short, my hand made contact with a burner that was still on. Ouch! I had to see an ortho doctor today and should be ok. I have to return next week to have it checked and hopefully will not need skin grafts. Todd laughed after a bit and commented how poor the medical equipment was. He deemed himself a hospital snob.

Jerry is having a feeding tube inserted and a trach. There has been no real change but this is to be expected. He enjoyed his visit from Liz and Sherri. It did a world of good and brightened his spirits. Mary Sue said he is loving the emails you are sending. Please send more.

Todd will update more later this evening as I am hunting and pecking to type!
Love to you all-
Team Jerry all the way!

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