Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday, July 1

Here is the current update on Jerry's status via email from Todd. Keep those prayers coming!

Hello again!

Here is the latest update on Dad...

I met with the Neurologist late yesterday and after consulting with a doctor at KU, they are confident that the correct diagnosis is GBS.

Dad lost more movement in his arms and hands yesterday, but this was to be expected. He is now communicating mainly by shaking his legs to questions. He's had his 3rd treatment and they had to put him on the ventilator again. But, he was off of it and breathing on his own for most of the day yesterday, which is good. I talked with his lung doctor this morning and he says they will take him back off of the ventilator today to keep his lung muscles strong.

I also met with Dad's hospital-generalist, Dr. Tan, today. He was Dad's admitting doctor when he came into the ER and was continuing to follow up on his progress. He is planning on speaking with Dad's physicians back home to discuss the GBS condition and to do some additional fact finding.

Overall, Dad is maintaining. Since they are more confident now in the GBS diagnosis, the doctors are less alarmed about his lack of progress. If you read about it, GBS has a peak as far as how much of the body it effects. It is believed that Dad is nearing the peak and will hopeful start to gradually recover. But the unknown factor is the recovery time and progress. It is not inconceivable for us to expect Dad to be in the hospital for months; but that's at the far side of the spectrum. The other side is that he could progress enough to be moving himself around in the next 3 weeks. The doctors are encouraged by the fact that Dad still has so much muscle tone at his age, while also being under 60. So they are hopeful that his recovery will be swift.

Mom is currently in process of making plans to get to Topeka. We are also making arrangements for his truck to be taken back to TN. When I get back to VA, I will take care of his Ford and make my way to Richlands to handle some things for his business and the house. If we need anything, we know and probably will call some if not all of you to ask for some assistance. If anyone wants to come out and see Dad, just let me know and I'll try to help with planning the trip as much as possible.

Well, that's all for now. Dad is finishing up his treatment for today and then they are giving him a sponge bath and changing his linens and gowns. Since I've seen enough shocking things to kill a buffalo in the past couple of days, I decided to pass on seeing Dad naked. I've got to run an errand for him and get some lunch too. BTW... sorry that I missed some of your calls on Dad's phone. I'm not familiar with it and just figured out how to determine if he had messages or not. Please let everyone know that I'm not ignoring anyone, I'm just concentrating on Dad and making sure things get done. Not to mention, cell phone batteries aren't worth a damn and don't last at all.

OK... talk to you again real soon.


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