Tuesday, July 20, 2010

On Standby

Hi everyone!

Sorry that we didn't update the blog yesterday, but there was really nothing new to report. Plus, we were hoping the doctors would start looking for a place that Dad could be transferred to this week on at the East Coast so we could report some happier news. But for some reason, they have decided to wait until Wednesday to start calling around to the different hospitals. We're sure why they are waiting, but we are pushing them today for an answer on why and hope that our inquiry alone will speed up the process. Now, on to our main concern... Dad.

Jerry Dale hasn't really done anything new over the past few days. He is still able to wiggle his hands and toes, but his strength in those extremities varies each day. Of course, this is all to be expected. The literature on GBS tells us that most patients start to see some minor changes after the initial 3 week period, which ended yesterday. But that's based on normal cases of GBS. Since Dad's case is so severe, we're guessing that it might take a little longer before we see some more improvements. The GBS literature also talks about patients with unique cases taking longer to recover. As I know most of your are saying it in your heads right now, I'll say it out loud... "Leave it up to Jerry Dale to be unique!" (hehe) But to know Dad is to know that that's just how he rolls!

OK... we'll update the blog again when we have more news. Take care and thanks for your continued support!

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