Monday, July 5, 2010

More movement

Todd arrived home safely after a major screw up on my part. I told him the wrong flight time. I can't imagine why- especially since I have been averaging 3 hours of sleep a night! No worries- he caught another flight and made it home an hour later. I am still getting ribbed about it this morning.

Jerry was moving his wrists on Saturday. The wonderful news was he was still doing it on Sunday! He is able to recognize and answer questions by moving his foot. Todd developed a communication system with his father that all the nurses learned before he left. Todd is simply amazing. He did such a wonderful job with his father. I know if I am ever ill, I want him right there!

Jerry will have a trach and feeding tube put in on Tuesday. He has developed a slight sinus infection from the tube in his nose so they feel it is neccessary to move the feeding tube. Liz and Sherri are flying out today to see him. Todd and I are very grateful to them for the visit.

Todd has a lot of business and other general stuff to take care of this week. If you have a moment, shoot him an email or give him a call. He's doing well- exhausted and feeling slightly guilty about coming home. However, he will be going back soon.

Team Jerry all the way!

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