Monday, July 12, 2010

No Changes... No Worries

Hello everyone! This is Todd writing.

I spoke with Mom (Mary Sue) this morning and I just got off the phone with Dad's nurse, and there has been no significant change in his condition over the past 24 hours. While Dad has developed a slight case of pneumonia and has become less responsive over the past few days, these are things that were expected to happen, so we are not that worried at this time. He is entering the 3rd week of having this condition, and according to all the literature that we've read, this will hopefully be the last week of deterioration. Supposedly, with most patients, the syndrome starts to subside going into the 4th week and so forth. So let's pray and keep our fingers crossed that it's true.

We are trying to find a hospital to send Dad to in NC or VA for the duration of his hospitalization. Duke does not have an open bed for him, so we're looking at Wake Forest. If that doesn't pan out, then we'll try UVA. If you're wondering why our regional medical facilities are not being considered, it's because of Dad's unique case of GBS and the team of Neurologists needed in order to properly treat and monitor his condition. None of the regional hospitals are equipped for that type of managed care, so we're forced to only consider some of the larger facilities.

OK... we'll update everyone more as information comes in. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. They are very appreciated!

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