Friday, July 16, 2010

Don't Count the Chicks Yet!

Dad has been a little more active over the past few days. It started with his feet and hands, and now he is feeling different sensations in his eyes. Hopefully, this means that we have seen the "peak" of the illness and the ship is turning around. However, we know from the past few weeks not to get our hopes up too high, because there's been just as many valleys as there have been peaks to Dad's condition. So we're cautiously optimistic and not letting it get past that point right now.

We're still working on getting the insurance company to approve transport back to the East coast. Mom and I have talked with them, as well as Congressman Boucher's office, who is "looking into it". If you live in Southwest VA, be sure to do what Mom did and call the congressman and tell him that you are concerned about Dad's situation with the insurance company not approving his medical transport from KS back to VA and you would like to see him intervene on his constituency's behalf.

OK... we'll update everyone again soon! Go Team Jerry!

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