Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pretty Exciting Stuff

Jerry has had three big days in a row. On Monday he was off the vent for 10 minutes. Tuesday he was off the vent for 5 and a half minutes. Yesterday Mary Sue encouraged Jerry to open and close his hand as if waving at Anna Leigh. For the past few days he has not been responding. When asked, he opened and closed his hand! This was something new and wonderful! Later in the day, Mary Sue told his nurse the pressure boots seemed to be bothering him. They took them off and BOOM, 10 minutes later he started communicating with his feet! He told Mary Sue the boots bother him and he won't move his feet with them on. Mary Sue called and told us it was a great day! Even if it's baby steps like answering yes and no questions with his feet, we will take it! It was encouraging to say the least. Todd finally got excited and smiled. It was so nice to see him smile and feeling upbeat. Granted we will have setbacks, but like I told someone at church, I will take the small stuff and build upon it. I will update later when Mary Sue calls. Prayers and thoughts are needed, but a promising 3 days are a start!

Team Jerry all the way!

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